
Antenatal breech presentation

If breech presentation is diagnosed antenatally external cephalic version should be considered in line with RCOG guidance.

  • admit to labour ward - fasting not required
  • check maternal pulse and BP
  • tocolytics optional
  • CTG and ultrasound (placental site, presentation, leg position, liquor volume and abnormality)
  • recheck fetal wellbeing and fetal heartbeat by scan afterwards and undertake CTG prior to discharge from labour ward
  • give anti-D if rhesus negative

Breech in labour

This should be managed in line with RCOG guidance.

The obstetric consultant should be informed and asked to attend.

A neonatal nurse +/- paediatrician should be present for the delivery.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 17/03/2022

Next review date: 17/03/2025

Author(s): Brian Magowan.

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