A thorough history including risk factors for ovarian malignancy should be taken. Risk factors for ovarian malignancy - postmenopausal, obesity, smoking (increases risk of mucinous cancers), nulliparous / older age at first pregnancy, HRT, family history of ovarian, breast, or colorectal cancer.
Physical examination should include abdominal examination including presence of groin node lymphadenopathy, bimanual examination and speculum examination including high vaginal swabs and STI screen in sexually active patients. In cases where palpable abdominal mass is found on examination, assess for mobility and presence of ascites.
Blood tests:
- Premenopausal women:
CA 125 - should be undertaken in all premenopausal women with finding of a complex ovarian mass. CA 125 should not be performed in premenopausal women where the USS findings are of a simple ovarian cyst.
Other tumour markers - LDH, a-FP (alpha fetoprotein) and HCG should be measured in all premenopausal women with complex masses to help with the diagnosis of germ cell tumours.
Alternative causes of raised CA 125 in premenopausal women includes fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis and pelvic infections. CA 125 may also be raised without an identifiable cause.
- Postmenopausal women:
All post menopausal women with any finding of ovarian mass (even if the mass appears simple on ultrasound scanning) should have CA 125 performed.
In post menopausal women, CA 125 should be used in conjunction with ultrasound scan findings to calculate RMI (risk malignancy index).
Calculating RMI (as required for submission of MDM form):
RMI combines three pre-surgical features: serum CA125, menopausal status (M) and ultrasound score (U)
RMI = U x M x CA 125.
The ultrasound result is scored 1 point for each of the following features:
- Multilocular cyst
- Solid areas
- Metastases
- Ascites
- Bilateral lesions
U = 0 for ultrasound score of 0
U = 1 for ultrasound score of 1
U = 3 for ultrasound score of 2-5
Menopausal status is scored as 1 = premenopausal, 3 = postmenopausal.
Postmenopausal is classified as any women with no period for > 12 months or a woman over 50 who has had a hysterectomy.
An RMI score of >200 is recommended to predict likelihood of ovarian cancer (sensitivity 78%, specificity 87%)
All women with suspected ovarian masses should be offered trans-vaginal ultrasound scanning at time of first presentation.
Where trans-vaginal ultrasound scanning is declined by the patient or not possible, trans abdominal ultrasound scanning may be performed however this has reduced sensitivity in detecting malignant features.
See Appendix 2 for Management Guidelines for Ultrasound Scan Findings of Ovarian Cyst.
South-East Scotland Gynaecology Oncology MDM takes place on Thursday mornings. All MDM forms should be submitted by the preceding Friday at 5pm for consideration at the next meeting. See Appendix 1 for current MDM form and contact details. All forms should be emailed to the Gynaecology secretaries in the first instance (rather than direct submission to MDM).
Where ovarian malignancy is suspected (ultrasound scan features of malignant disease or RMI score >200) CT chest / abdo / pelvis and MRI abdomen / pelvis should be considered for full staging.
See Appendix 2 for updated guidelines for management of ultrasound scan findings.