Patient attending clinic following MDT - staging appointment
Following the MDT meeting, the patient and family member/friend will be invited to attend an appointment with the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS). Categorised on Patient Management System (PMS) as staging appointment or RSTA. The purpose of this appointment to discuss scan results, overall diagnosis and treatments options recommended by the MDT. This appointment typically occurs typically with 3-7 days of the MDT.
Urology Oncology CNS, with relevant competency, will check patient details, ensuring all dates and investigation are correct. He/she will have access to the patient’s investigations/results. He/she will sensitively discuss and explain the overall diagnosis and scan results. He /she will explain in a language style and pace suitable to the individual patient the treatment options/recommendation of the MDT. It is essential allowing time for the patient/family member to clarify or ask questions as they go.
Patient will be encouraged to take time to consider options or to speak with other team members’ example oncologists, surgeons. If the patient doesn’t wish to take further time to consider options or decline the opportunity to speak with other team members this should be clearly documented in the dictated letter from the CNS to the GP and hospital based records.
The CNS will dictate an urgent letter of referral to the treatment team example oncologist or surgical team, ensuring all patient investigations are included as well as a detailed account of the patient understanding and information/documentation provided to the patient.
Cases where patients require ongoing surveillance, example active surveillance or watchful waiting or long term hormone therapy. The CNS will co-ordinate regular blood monitoring via PMS for community phlebotomy and arrange appropriate follow up appointment which could be via letter/telephone or face to face.