Initially this policy introduced a change in clinical practice and service delivery provided within the Radiology departments at Ayr and Crosshouse Hospitals. Its purpose remains to allow suitably trained Radiographers to issue clinical reports for specific examinations in a timely manner, thus, improving the patient pathway.
In accordance with a joint publication from the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) and the College of Radiographers (CoR), (2012), ‘Team working within clinical imaging: a contemporary view of skills mix’, there must be a protocol for Advanced Practitioner reporting set within a system of work. This should be unique to the specific area of practice for the Advanced Practitioner.
This policy aims to:
- Recognise the specialist practitioner role; carrying out plain film reporting, assessment of their own specialist workload of patients, producing and maintaining associated report/patient records.
- Ensure that Consultant/Advanced Radiographer Practitioners report radiological examinations they have been adequately trained and authorised to do so.
- Ensure reports produced adhere to best practice (appendix 1)
- Optimise resources.
- Ensure safe working practices are maintained and reports are issued within protocol requirements.
The Clinical Director for the service the policy operates within and the Medical Imaging Lead are responsible for ensuring that the operation of the policy does not compromise patient safety, and is consistent with professional relationships and accountability.
The consultant in charge of the patient’s care is ultimately accountable for their care. The medical staff or non-medical practitioner is responsible for the interpretation of the examination in the given clinical context.
A consultant/advanced radiographer practitioner who is authorised under Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations (IRMER) to report selected radiological investigations is responsible for ensuring that they are competent to undertake their duties. They are also responsible for ensuring that they have a clear understanding of the ethical and specific legal issues surrounding requesting radiological investigations, and that the procedure is carried out within the terms of this policy and according to their code of professional practice and conduct (HCPC, 2024).