1.1 NHS Ayrshire & Arran's commitment to promoting a culture where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
NHS Ayrshire & Arran is committed to promoting a culture where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. The promotion of privacy, dignity and respect for each individual is integral to all interactions with patients, the public, staff and stakeholders.
Responsibility for protecting and promoting privacy, dignity and respect does not lie with one individual or group but with all staff to embed a culture where everyone matters. People should also be treated with kindness, compassion, courtesy, understanding and honesty. This incorporates the Quality Ambitions within The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHS Scotland2 (Scottish Government 2010), which ensures that care is person-centred, safe, effective, efficient, equitable and timely. This commitment is reflected in NHS Ayrshire & Arrans core values of Caring, Safe and Respectful.
Human dignity is an underlying principle of Human Rights (Scottish Human Rights Commission 2012). Home | Scottish Human Rights Commission
Loss of dignity compromises self-esteem, respect and confidence. It can make an individual feel unimportant, unworthy or lost and misplaced, which can have a far-reaching impact for the person, on their functioning and their relationships which can perpetuate mental health/illness issues and inhibit recovery. It is recognised that the provision of single sex accommodation in health care organisations is considered to be a key factor to maximise patient dignity and ensure that privacy is promoted and respected.
The eradication of mixed sex accommodation in the NHS in Scotland has been a target for the Scottish Government since 2002, and this was re-affirmed by the issue of Chief Executive Letter (CEL 48) in 2008 Provision of single room accommodation and bed spacing (scot.nhs.uk)3 regarding the provision of single room accommodation and bed spacing.
NHS Ayrshire & Arran is committed to delivering same sex accommodation to enhance the privacy and dignity of service users. There are however a small number of exceptions to this policy as outlined in section 4.1.
1.2 Definitions used in this policy
Single sex accommodation - For the purposes of this policy, single sex accommodation is defined as when a room or bay is specifically for one sex with washing facilities also available solely for this one sex.
Privacy - Privacy is the freedom from intrusion and embarrassment and refers to all information and practice that is personal or sensitive to the individual. Privacy is a key principle which underpins human dignity, and remains a basic human right and the reasonable expectation of every person.
Dignity - Dignity is to treat a person in a way that is respectful of them as valued individuals, being of equal value and worth irrespective of differences such as age, race, culture, gender, sex (male or female) sexual orientation, social background, health, marital status, disability, religion or political conviction.
Respect - Respect is positive regard shown to a person as a human being and an individual, by others, and demonstrated as courtesy, good communication, taking time and equal access to services and care.
Modesty - Modesty refers to treatment and care being given in such a way that avoids unnecessary exposure and therefore minimises anxiety and distress.