Funding for your personal development

Clinical Academic Research Partnerships (CARP)
This scheme funds research-qualified health professionals not currently undertaking any substantial research activity, to form a collaborative high-quality research partnership with established biomedical and applied health researchers. You are eligible to apply if you are a member of NHS staff, staff contracted to the NHS, or working in the care or public health sectors. This includes, but is not limited to - medics, dentists, NMAHPs, healthcare scientists, pharmacists, clinical psychologists, public health practitioners and others in either primary/secondary care, community care or public health.
You must hold a PhD, MD or equivalent postgraduate qualification (e.g. 3 years consolidated research time where you have driven the research and achieved strong outputs from your research experience).
You must not be undertaking any substantive research activity. It is expected that you will have less than half a day per week dedicated to research within your current contract. Proposal from applicants with more dedicated research time are accepted but you must detail the added value of the award if successful.
It is a 1-3 year funding scheme run in partnership between NIHR and MRC. Each award funds 20% - 50% of the applicant's basic salary and costs to undertake the project.
Further information, application form and guidance are available here
The Elizabeth Casson Trust offer continuing professional development grants; applications welcomed from qualified occupational therapists in the UK. See link below for more information.
The Florence Nightingale Foundation aims to pioneer change and improvements in patient and health outcomes, through nursing and midwifery clinical and research leadership, honouring Florence Nightingale’s legacy. It provides travel and research scholarships.
Postdoctoral Clinical Lectureship positions are designed to provide an opportunity for research time for medical doctors who have completed a research degree (PhD or MD) and are currently working towards the completion of speciality training. See below for applications details.
Please see link below for details on the fellowships offered by the Medical Research Council.
This scheme is available to NHS GGC employees form all grades and service areas to support them to gain educational qualifications and undertake courses of study relevant to their role and personal development.
Further information available here
Closing date for applications is Wednesday 14 September 2022
This funding call is now closed, please check back here for further announcements
Click below for an overview of the funding schemes available from Wellcome from undergraduate through to postdoctoral level and beyond.
Keep checking here for funding to support CPD and Clinical Training