Procedure for the Administration of Controlled Drugs within In-patient Areas



1. Ensure any equipment required is prepared and ready for use where appropriate. This includes the following:
• HEPMA system
• Ward Controlled Drug Record Book(s)
• Controlled Drug cupboard keys
• Medicine Cups or appropriate receptacles
• Water
• Purple apron and/or signage as per NHSGGC Medicines Administration 1133-24 section 5.1
• Current online BNF

2. Please ensure the designated area for preparation is a clear and uncluttered surface.

Checking prescription

Read the appropriate patients HEPMA record carefully

1. Two Registered Nurses must check stock of Controlled Drugs against both the HEPMA record and Controlled Drug Record Book to confirm availability prior to the first patient entering the room.

2. Identify roles for both practitioners as i.e. witness and administrator. The roles should not be swapped throughout the process of administration.

3. Ensure patients prescription is complete, identifying the following:
• Start date
• Medicine form i.e. elixir, tablet, caps
• Dose
• Route
• Time due
• Prescriber
• Allergies

Procedure for administration within the treatment room

1. Both practitioners check Ward Controlled Drug Record Book to reconcile stock balance of prescribed medicine against amount in the controlled drug cupboard prior to patient entering the room.

2. HCSW (or appropriate other i.e. student nurse or registered nurse) to escort patient to the treatment room as delegated by the registered nurses.

3. Ensure the environment where administration is to take place is clean, tidy and free from interruptions.

4. Confirm the identity of patient following process described in the Policy & Procedures for the Safe Identification of Patients  

5. Confirm the patient’s allergy status

6. Both practitioners must accurately confirm the Controlled Drug(s) to be administered to patient from the HEPMA system.

7. Unlock and open drug cupboard and controlled drug cupboard door.

8. Both practitioners check the prescription medicine label i.e. medicine name, form, dose and expiry date.

9. Dispense medicine into appropriate receptacle.

10. Ensure both the witness and the administrator witness the patient ingesting the prescribed medicine.

11. Offer water as required.

12. Ensure Ward Controlled Drug Record Book is updated and signed immediately according to who administered and who witnessed the administration.

13. The administrating practitioner then makes a HEPMA system entry to confirm administration of prescribed medicine.

14. If prescribed medicine refused or not given for any reason this must be documented on recording sheet and the responsible doctor informed, if necessary.

15. Ensure area is left clean and tidy.

Procedure for administration outwith the treatment room

1. Both practitioners check Ward Controlled Drug Record Book to reconcile stock balance of prescribed medicine against amount in the Controlled Drug cupboard.

2. Check patient is available within the ward area.

3. Within the treatment room Both practitioners must accurately confirm the Controlled Drug(s) to be administered to patient from the HEPMA record.

4. Unlock and open drug cupboard and controlled drug cupboard door.

5. Check the prescription medicine label i.e. medicine name, form, dose and expiry date.

6. Dispense medicine into appropriate receptacle.

7. Both practitioners should then take the medicine, HEPMA laptop and the Ward Controlled Drug Record Book to the area where the patient is.

8. Confirm the identity of patient following process described in the Policy & Procedures for the Safe Identification of Patients  

9. Confirm the patient’s allergy status.

10. Ensure both the witness and the administrator witness the patient ingesting the prescribed medicine.

11. Offer water as required.

12. Ensure Ward Controlled Drug Record is updated and signed immediately according to who administered and who witnessed the administration.

13. The administering practitioner then makes an appropriate HEPMA entry to confirm administration of prescribed medicine.

14. If prescribed medicine refused or not given for any reason this must be documented on recording sheet and the responsible doctor informed, if necessary.

15. Ensure area is left clean and tidy.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 18/07/2024

Next review date: 31/05/2027

Author(s): MHS Safer Use of Medicines.

Version: 1

Author email(s):

Approved By: PMG-MH

Reviewer name(s): Lead clinical pharmacist, Clinical effectiveness pharmacist.