Informed consent
Due to its unlicensed status, explanation for the rationale of treatment choice should be given at a suitable time during the patient’s treatment. Patient information explaining unlicensed medication in general terms is available via the Choice and Medication, as is a specific fluphenazine decanoate leaflet.
The consultant psychiatrist must make a clear record of the rationale for prescribing an unlicensed medication within the patient’s case notes and document the discussion with the patient1. Nursing staff in the ward must be informed of the medicine’s unlicensed status and ward clinical pharmacists must ensure that staff are aware of the unlicensed status.
When ordering fluphenazine decanoate injection, the patient’s initials and CHI should be included on the requisition as well as the phrase “as per protocol” for the order to be processed.
A record of administration of unlicensed medication must be kept (as per unlicensed medication policy3). When entering administration on HEPMA, the drug batch number and expiry date should be recorded when prompted. It is the responsibility of the nurse in charge to ensure this occurs.
When supplying fluphenazine decanoate injection from pharmacy, pharmacy staff must ensure that batch numbers are documented on the requisition.