Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency
Treatment of an anaphylactic reaction should be based on general life support principles:
- Use the Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE*) approach to
recognise and treat problems - Call for help early (2222 for main hospital services or 999 for Resource Centres, community settings – including a patient's home, LD residential settings and satellite units such as Birdston Nursing Home)
- Treat the greatest threat to life first
- Initial treatments should not be delayed by the lack of a complete history or definite diagnosis
Patients having an anaphylactic reaction in any setting should expect the following as a
- Recognition that they are seriously unwell
- An early call for help
- Initial assessment and treatments based on an ABCDE* approach
- Adrenaline therapy if indicated
- Investigation and follow-up by an allergy specialist
See full guidance for further information on recognition and management.