Psychiatry Block Assessment Forms

Years 4 & 5 Student Block Assessment
STUDENT NAME: __________________________SIGNATURE: ________________________ REG NO: ________
CONSULTANT NAME:________________________ SIGNATURE: _____________________________
CONSULTANT ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________
BLOCK: MED SURG O&G CH GP PSY (please circle) DATE COMPLETED: __________
Above expectations for Year 4/5 student |
Around expectations for Year 4/5 student |
Below expectations for Year 4/5 student |
Professional Attributes |
A |
Attendance and reliability |
B |
Ability to manage own learning |
C |
Relationship with team |
Clinical Competence |
D |
Knowledge |
E |
History taking |
F |
Clinical examination skills |
G |
Clinical judgement |
H |
Communication skills |
Formal Assessment |
I |
Standard of portfolio cases |
J |
Mini CEXs |
K |
Case-based discussion |
L |
Overall Rating (please circle) |
Was the assessment form filled in by student and Educational Supervisor together? YES/NO
If the answer is no, please explain why:
Educational Supervisor Feedback to Student:
What the student did well:
Educational Supervisor Feedback to Student:
Areas suitable for improvement:
Information for students:
Please hand in form to Mrs Tracy Aitken, Operational Manager, Room 26, 1st Floor, Admin Building, Gartnavel Royal Hospital, 1055 Great Western Road, Glasgow, G12 OXH. We also recommend you keep a copy for personal use.
University of Glasgow Medical School
Years 4 & 5 Student Assessment
Highly satisfactory (1) |
Satisfactory (2) |
Adequate (3) |
Borderline Pass (4) |
Borderline Fail (5) |
Unsatisfactory (6) |
Doctor as professional |
A |
Attendance and reliability |
Highly dependable and conscientious. |
Dependable and usually punctual |
Usually present. Always gives warning of absence. |
On time, most of the time. Usually gives warnings of absence |
Occasionally unreliable. Sometimes gives warning if not attending. |
Often unreliable. No warnings given if not attending |
B |
Ability to manage own learning |
Recognises gaps in knowledge. Formulates relevant challenging questions. Learns appropriately. Recognises inconsistencies |
Usually recognises gaps. Asks appropriate questions. Asks for advice if answers not obvious. |
Sometimes recognises gaps without them being pointed out. Sometimes asks for advice. May need guidance. |
Recognises gaps but some have to be pointed out. Usually needs a little help with learning objectives |
Occasionally recognises gaps in knowledge. Needs guidance to remedy. |
Often fails to recognise gaps in knowledge. Needs considerable assistance in remedying gaps in knowledge |
Approach to professional work |
C |
Relationship with colleagues |
Rapidly fits into the team. Establishes good relationships, recognises the roles of each member of the team |
Collaborates well. Usually easy to work with. Understands the roles of team members. |
Understands roles of team members but makes no extra effort to communicate and collaborate |
Limited understanding of the roles of team members. Just managing on the ward |
Minimal interaction with team members. Limited communication skills, sometimes misunderstandings |
Uncooperative. Disruptive. Does not fit well into the team |
D |
Knowledge |
Has extensive knowledge and is able to apply this well to clinical problems. Eager to extend knowledge by reading widely and in depth. |
Has very good knowledge base and can apply this appropriately to clinical problems. Reads around the subject. |
Adequate knowledge base that can be applied to clinical problems with minimal help. Reasonable evidence of wider reading. |
Has a fair knowledge base. Needs some help with application to clinical problems. Limited evidence of wider reading. |
Doubtful knowledge base and sometimes has difficulty applying this to clinical problems. Minimal evidence of wider reading. |
Poor knowledge base. Often has trouble applying knowledge to clinical problems or applies it wrongly or inappropriately. Does not read around the subject. |
Clinical competence |
E |
History taking |
Well organised, thorough and accurate. Consistently obtains relevant information |
Organised, usually accurate. Obtains relevant information most of the time |
Adequate, mostly accurate. Separates relevant from irrelevant information. |
Demonstrates difficulty in separating relevant and irrelevant information but most relevant information obtained. |
Poorly organised. Information gathered is often inaccurate and misses relevant information. |
Disorganised and inaccurate. An unacceptable and unsafe performance. |
F |
Clinical Examination skills |
Consistently accurate in detecting and interpreting clinical signs. |
Usually accurate. Rarely misses or misinterprets signs. |
Satisfactory technique. Able to interpret common clinical signs. |
Satisfactory technique. Needs help with interpretations. |
Unsatisfactory technique. Needs help with detection and interpretation of common clinical signs. |
Poor technique. Regularly misses signs. Regularly misinterprets signs. |
Highly satisfactory (1) |
Satisfactory (2) |
Adequate (3) |
Borderline Pass (4) |
Borderline Fail (4) |
Unsatisfactory (5) |
Clinical competence cont’d |
G |
Clinical judgement |
Consistently able to integrate all relevant information. Independently produces appropriate management plan for investigation. |
Integrates information well and produces accurate differential diagnosis list. Produces appropriate management plan. |
Able to integrate information and produce differential diagnosis with some prompting. Produces satisfactory management plan. |
Usually able to integrate information. Needs assistance with differential diagnosis and management plan. |
Difficulty in integrating information and needs considerable assistance in constructing differential diagnosis and management plan. |
Unable to integrate information. Regularly produces inappropriate differential diagnosis list. |
H |
Communication skills |
Consistently establishes good rapport. Gets relevant information efficiently and sensitively. Able to explain the situation to patients and passes on accurately information to colleagues. |
Usually established good rapport. Communicates well with patients and colleagues. |
Rapport with patient adequate. Able to communicate satisfactorily with patient and colleagues. |
Some difficulty putting patients at ease. Generally able to explain situation to patients and colleagues adequately. |
Difficulty putting patients at ease and struggles to explain situation to patients and colleagues adequately. |
Unable to put patient at ease. Often insensitive. Communicates with difficulty to patients. Can give inaccurate information. Poor communication skills with colleagues. |
Integration |
J |
Portfolio cases |
(number and standard of cases) |
Completes 4 Consistently obtains accurate information about the patient’s problems and appropriate differential diagnosis. Always produces appropriate management plan, list of, and results of, relevant investigations and treatment options for the problem. Reflective commentary consistently reflects what the student has learnt form the case and addresses the relevant GMC themes. Always produces the relevant reference list and evidence base. |
Completes 4 Reliably obtains accurate data on patient and their problem/s. Produces a good differential diagnoses list and management plan with evidence base. Provides appropriate list of investigations with results. Treatment options are identified. Relates the case to GMC themes and identifies the learning objectives. The relevant reference list is produced |
Completes 4 Obtains accurate information about the patient problem. Identifies the major issues and differential diagnosis. Produces accurate management plan, list of, and results of, relevant investigations. Relates the case to GMC themes and learning objectives and produces an appropriate reference list. |
Completes 4 Obtains information about the patient’s problems. Usually identifies major issues and appropriate differential diagnosis. Usually produces lists of investigations and results. Describes an appropriate management plan and has difficulty in discussing patient issues and relevance to GMC themes. Adequate reference list. |
Completes <4 Obtains some accurate information and some inaccurate data. Poor differential diagnosis list. Insufficient relevant investigations and results to differentiate the problems. Poor management plan, poor discussion of GMC themes and other issues in the reflective commentary. Minimal references produced. |
Completes <4 Fails to obtains accurate information. Regularly unable to produce a differential diagnosis list. No relevant investigations and results. No management plan for patient problems. No discussion of GMC themes in the reflective commentary and no references |