Course completion checklist (VERY IMPORTANT)






Read block instructions

Sent to you 1 week prior to beginning of block



Attendance to lectures and seminars

See timetable



Placement objectives and goals

1st week of placement



Produce at least 2 case studies (to be assessed by your supervisor)

Note: SSC students may produce 2 case studies OR an essay

First 2 weeks of placement



Placement review

Between week 2 and 3 of placement



Placement feedback

Done online



Produce at least 2 case studies (in total - to be assessed by your supervisor)

Note: SSC students may produce 2 case studies OR an essay

By the end on placement



Formative Assessment – clinical examination

Around week 4 of placement

Note: SSC students will have their formative assessment in Week 5



Summative Assessment: Supervisor’s report

End of placement



Send Supervisor’s report to Tracy Aitken, Operational Manager, Postgraduate Office, GRH

Within 1 week of finishing clinical placement



Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 29/04/2024

Next review date: 31/05/2028

Author(s): MyPsych Editorial Group.

Version: 1.0

Author email(s):

Approved By: MyPsych Editorial Group

Reviewer name(s): MyPsych Editorial Group.