Getting Published
- You can access Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training for research for free via the National Institute for Health Research. This is a requirement for researchers conducting clinical trials, but is also very helpful in other types of research.
- NHS Scotland has a subscription for BMJ Case Reports.
If you would be interested in submitting a case report we encourage you to discuss with your undergraduate tutor and supervising clinicians in the first instance.
Lots of support is available for authors and up to four authors can be included on each report – multidisciplinary submissions are welcomed.
There will be no cost to authors. You can see the content of BMJ Case Reports using your NHS Scotland ATHENS username and password - which you can register for at
BMJ provide a consent form that must be signed by patient or next of kin before publication.
Contact your local library for access to BMJ Case Reports:
- Students are also invited to make submissions (400 - 600 words) to FuturePsych, the associate magazine of the RCPsych.