It is crucial to contact the pharmacy and the prescriber to confirm:
- which drug the person is prescribed
- the dose
- dispensing arrangements
- last collection
Opioid withdrawal might be uncomfortable, however, inappropriately prescribed opioids can be fatal.
Never prescribe without confirmation of the above information and objective evidence of opioid dependence using a drug screen and Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) score (See Resources below). If you are unable to contact the pharmacist/prescriber, and you have a confirmed positive drug screen, treat withdrawals symptomatically e.g. Loperamide, Zopiclone. If in severe withdrawal, Dihydrocodeine can be prescribed - check your local guidelines and continue monitoring COWS.
Refer the person to your local community addiction service and consider discussion with drug liaison team if your hospital has access to this service.
Seek advice from local services for ongoing management - remember take home Naloxone kits, advice on needle exchange, local relapse prevention groups, BBV screening, contraception and STI testing.