Mindfulness during the pandemic (archive)

Updated on the 13-04-2020
- At home self isolating or working? Breathworks is an organisation whose 'mission is to bring mindfulness and compassion as a tool for reducing suffering to people worldwide; regardless of their situation'. They are well known for their work on exploring mindfulness and physical health, in particular pain management. We have been partially taken by the beauty and gentleness of how Vidyamala Burch, Creative Director and Co-Founder, leads body scans. They have created a free course specifically for people who are self isolating or working from home. 'Covid-19 is a new and scary thing in the world... We are all dealing with the unknown. ou’re stuck at home. For many this is now a Government mandated lockdown. You may be feeling scared, ill or a bit overwhelmed. This free self-paced course is Breathworks' way of supporting you through this difficult time. Welcome to the course, and to the Breathworks community! '
- Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of mindfulness-based stress reduction, began to broadcast live daily from Monday 30th March, Monday to Friday at 7pm UK time. He has decided to continue to do this at least until the end of April 2020. Previous broadcasts are recorded and remain on the site. They have tweaked a few additional aspects of this. Each broadcast lasts for approximately one hour, starting with a led practice and then moving in to a discussion. The discussions have been really interesting with people from across the world from a range of backgrounds asking questions about mindfulness. On Tuesdays and Thursdays they have extended this part of the broadcast and increased the capacity of interacting through Zoom with Jon Kabat- Zinn. For those not able to use Zoom, you can listen through a live you tube link
Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of mindfulness-based stress reduction, will be live daily from Monday 30th March through to Friday 3rd April. This will be at 7pm UK time.
Each broadcast lasts for approximately one hour, starting with a led practice and then moving in to a discussion. For those linking in through Zoom there is an opportunity for a discusiion and to ask questions towards the end of the broadcast. For those not able to use Zoom, you can listern through a you tube link.
Previous sessions are recorded and available on the link above.
This has been incredibly popular and we understand the organisers are exploring how to make it more interactive for everyone.
Tara Brach is a clinical psychologist and an international known teacher of meditation and mindfulness has offered talks on facing pandemic fears.
Rebecca Crane is the director of the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice at Bangor University and is offering a 4 month course on kindness, compassion , joy and equanimity for people who have already completed an 8 -week mindfulness course. 'These four qualities arise naturally through mindfulness practice, and can be deliberately cultivated through tailored practices'.
This includes 4 x 1.5 hour sessions at monthly intervals with recommended home practice in between. Course dates- first Sunday of the month - April (5th), May (3rd), June (7th) and July (5th) from 6.30 -8 pm UK time. Taught online via zoom. Please contact Rebecca Crane r.crane@bangor.ac.uk so you will receive the links. Recommended course reading, 'Boundless Heart' by Christina Feldman. Course offered freely with invited donations to The Mindfulness Network.
Updated 23/07/2024 (review date due in 6 months)