This page is still evolving, so please do come back. We have placed some links below to interesting TED talks that we have come across.

TED talks 

TED talk by Willoughby Britton

Why a neuroscientist would study meditation (approx 17 minutes)

TEDxBrownUniversity - Willoughby Britton - Why A Neuroscientist Would Study Meditation - YouTube

TED talks by Clinical Psychologist Susan David

The gift and power of emotional courage (approx 17 minutes)

Susan David: The gift and power of emotional courage | TED Talk

How to be your best self in times of crisis (approx 45 minutes)

Susan David: How to be your best self in times of crisis | TED Talk

TED talk by Richard J Davidson 

How mindfulness changes the emotional life of our brains (approx 18 min)

How mindfulness changes the emotional life of our brains | Richard J. Davidson | TEDxSanFrancisco (

TED talk by travel writer Pico Lyer

The art of stillness (approx 16 minutes)

The Art of Stillness | Pico Iyer | TED - YouTube

TED talk by Sara Overton

How Mindfulness in Nature Can Transform Us & Climate Change (approx 12 minutes)

How Mindfulness in Nature Can Transform Us & Climate Change | Sara Overton | TEDxWashingtonSquare (

TED talk by Dr Judson Brewer

A simple way to break a bad habit (approx 9 minutes)

Judson Brewer: A simple way to break a bad habit | TED Talk

TED talk by Brother David Steindl-Rast, a monk and interfaith scholar

Want to be happy? Be grateful (approx 15 minutes) 

Want to be happy? Be grateful | David Steindl-Rast - YouTube


Insights from experts

Self compassion in difficult times with Kristin Neff (approx 60 minutes)

Self Compassion in difficult times - with Kristin Neff - YouTube

The Benefits of Mindfulness with Willem Kuyken (approx 17 minutes)

The Benefits of Mindfulness with Willem Kuyken - YouTube

Dr Theresa Dahm, South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust discusses how our emotion systems may have been affected by changes COVID 19 has brought (approx 8 minutes)

Using CFT's Three Circles during COVID19 - YouTube

Healing Loneliness with US Surgeon General, Dr Vivek Murthy (approx 35 minutes)

Healing Loneliness with US Surgeon General, Dr Vivek Murthy - YouTube

What is loneliness, a talk by Andy Puddicombe (approx 25 minutes)

What is Loneliness? - YouTube

Grateful voices, talk by Kristi Nelson (approx 11 minutes)

Grateful Voices - Kristi Nelson - YouTube

We are built to be kind, University of California (approx 5 minutes)

We Are Built To Be Kind - YouTube

Cultivating mindfulness in difficult times, talk by John Kabat-Zin (approx 22 minutes)

Cultivating Mindfulness In Difficult Times |


Updated 23/07/2024 (review date due in 6 months)