Soundscape Practices

A series of extended audio recordings of nature in and around Glasgow, for mindful listening.

Can you bring a curiosity to these listening practices? Opening up to all the layers of sounds, or at times choosing to narrow to a particular sound. Everything vibrates, as sound passes through and around us all the time. Can we practice a 'letting go' as we open up to sound, experiencing the textures and rhythms? Maybe becoming aware of physical sensations and emotions. Noticing when your attention has wandered off, where it is, and gently coming back to focus, or sitting with open awareness.


Early morning walk in a local park in May (60 minutes)

Afternoon walk along a treelined pathway (16 minutes 40 seconds)

Evening walk in May in a Glasgow park (59 minutes 46 seconds) 

Evening walk in May in a Glasgow park (42 minutes 17 seconds) 


Streaming audio files (via Vimeo, opens in a separate window)

3-step breathing space (4 minutes 20 seconds)

Mountain meditation (7 minutes)


Practices From Mindfulness Scotland

Loving Kindness (approx. 20 minutes)
Mountain Meditation (approx. 7 minutes)
Three-Step Breathing Space (4 minutes 20 seconds)
Introduction (16 minutes)
Movements while Lying (13 minutes 28 seconds)
Introduction (32 seconds)
CD 5
Body Scan (45 minutes 38 seconds)


Updated 17/07/2024 (review due in 6 months)