This section contains the core practices you will encounter on an 8-week mindfulness course. These practices are considered to be the foundations for a regular mindfulness practice.


Streaming audio files (via YouTube, opens in a separate window)


Body scan (30 minutes)


Movement and walking

Mindful movement, lying to standing (15 minutes 34 seconds, may be ideal for getting out of bed in the morning)



Mindfulness of breath, staying present (29 minutes 36 seconds).  This practice gives you an option within it at 10 minutes and 20 minutes to choose to continue, or to stop at those choice points. 

Mindfulness of breath, open awareness (30 minutes)

Mindfulness of breath, sounds and thoughts (23 minutes)

Mindfulness practice, sitting with difficulty (25 minutes 30 seconds)


Breathing Space

3-minute breathing space - regular

3-minute breathing space - responsive (breathing practice for when difficulty is present)


Silent Practice with bells

30 minute silence with bells at 10 minute intervals

Mountain meditation (16 minutes 40 seconds)


We hope to update this section with embedded audio files that won't require an internet connection to play.


Updated 17/07/2024 (review in 6 months)