Archived practices

From time to time we will add new practices and remove old ones to prevent the main pages from getting too cluttered. Any practices removed from the main pages will be archived here, so if there is a practice you want to keep using, you can do so.


Archived from 'Getting Started'

Mindfulness of breath (10 minutes 16 seconds)


Archived from Glasgow PMP MBSR recordings

We have recently started running 8-week MBSR groups again at the NHS GGC pain service, albeit as online groups, using the MS Teams platform. This has presented some challenges, but also some opportunities to do things differently.  For a trial period we will upload live recordings of the guided practices that we introduce each week, so that participants (and anyone else using this app) can make use of these recordings for their personal practice in between the group sessions.

The recordings are presented as is, recorded via a laptop's microphone and speaker, with the odd phone alert and other background noises occasionally intruding in the background.....but we hope you find something here that might be useful for your personal practice.

We will add new practices each week, so please come back regularly and see what's new.


Week 7 - 4th May 2021

Compassion (20 minutes 10 seconds) 

Thoughts and reactions (12 minutes 37 seconds) 


Week 6 - 27th April 2021

Gentle movement then sitting (23 minutes) 

Sitting, sounds then thoughts, and reactions (22 minutes 44 seconds) 

Sitting with open awareness (6 minutes 44 seconds) 


Week 5 - 20th April 2021

Mindful awareness of thoughts, part 1 (22 minutes 20 seconds)

Mindful awareness of thoughts, part 2 (10 minutes 13 seconds) 


Week 4 - 6th April 2021 

Sitting with difficulty (23 minutes 37 seconds)

3 step breathing space (5 minutes 15 seconds) 


Week 3 - 30th March 2021 

Sitting practice (20 minutes 48 seconds)

3-step breathing space (4 minutes)


Week 2 - 23rd March 2021 

Body scan (24 minutes 37 seconds)  

Sitting practice (12 minutes 19 seconds)  


Week 1 - 16th March 2021 

Body scan (15 minutes 32 seconds) 



Updated 17/07/2024 (review date in 6 months)