Resources to support setting up and running an MBCT group:

  • Please ask your NHS mindfulness board lead for the password to the password protected toolkits on this app. These contain additional resources to support the delivery, particularly of MBCT. This link with take you to the home page of the Scottish NHS Mindfulness Network which contains information on who the national and local mindfulness board leads are. It also contains a listing of health professionals within the NHS who have been recognised and listed as mindfulness therapists (teachers).
  • NHS Scotland Guidance:
    • Training pathway guidance crib sheet.
    • There have been many offers of help from organisations, and from within the NHS to offer mindfulness for staff since the COVID 19 pandemic commenced. The National NHS leads have released this guidance to support consideration of this.
  • This is a useful document to support thinking about how you can develop mindfulness within your area as well as delivery. Implementation Resources 2012
  • ASPIRE : we will add information on this soon, please visit here again soon ( Updated 18-02-20)


Key Texts

Mindfulness Nation UK : A report published by the Mindfulness All Party Parliamentary Group (MAPPG) October 2015.  


(Please check back : more to follow, March 2020)



  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression, Second Edition Hardcover – 12 Dec 201 by Zindel V. Segal (Author), J. Mark G. Williams (Author), John D. Teasdale (Author), Jon Kabat-Zinn (Foreword)
  • The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness (includes Guided Meditation Practices CD) Paperback – 21 Jun 2007 by  Mark Williams (Author), John Teasdale (Author), Zindel Segal (Author), Jon Kabat-Zinn (Author)
  • A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled, Ruby Wax
Journal articles

Updated 23/07/2024 (review date due in 6 months)