What helps if I am struggling to sleep during pregnancy?
If you struggle to sleep (insomnia) while pregnant, it is best to try other things before using a medicine to help you improve your sleep.
Information on improving your sleep is available from Sleeping well | Royal College of Psychiatrists (rcpsych.ac.uk) or handyfactsheetsleephygieneuk.pdf (choiceandmedication.org).
If these things don’t help, see your GP who may be able to offer treatment for insomnia you can access on a phone app.
Sometimes, sleeping difficulties are a sign of an underlying mental health condition. If your sleep is not improving, you should see your GP to assess your mental health further.
Sometimes difficulties sleeping can be linked to suicidal thoughts. If this happens, you should contact your GP, midwife or health visitor urgently. Other support is available.
They may arrange a review with a specialist to help your mental health.