The content in this toolkit has been developed by the SIGN guideline group for SIGN Guideline 169: Perinatal mental health conditions.
Review and approval
Content has been reviewed and approved in line with the SIGN editorial governance process.
Final content was signed off by SIGN Programme Lead.
The content will be considered for update 3 years from publication. Any minor updates brought to the attention will be dealt with on an "as needed" basis.
Updates will be reviewed and approved in line with the SIGN editorial governance process.
Content updates on the Right Decisions platform will be carried out by the SIGN team, with support from the Right Decision Service team when required.
RDS automated alerts when review is due will be sent to the Programme Manager responsible for the project, and the generic SIGN inbox, .
Six months prior to the deadline for update (ie 3 years post publication) a scoping review will be conducted to identify new evidence which may change the recommendations in the toolkit. The results of the scoping review will be circulated to the original guideline development group for comment, and to identify any other new areas for inclusion. Their responses, along with the review results, are submitted to the work programme committee for consideration for update or revalidation.
Content will be updated using the guideline development processes outlined in the SIGN methodology manual, SIGN 50: a guideline developer's handbook.
Amendments will be developed by a multidisciplinary group of clinicians and people with lived experience, subject to peer review, and signed off by the SIGN editorial team.