NHSGGC Maternity & Gynaecology Handbook on the RDS

From the 1st November 2023 you will find all the content within the NHSGGC Maternity & Gynaecology Handbook here on the Right Decisions Platform.

The old https://obsgynhandbook.nhsggc.org.uk/ link will take you to our new home so if you have it bookmarked then you can keep using it, or go to https://rightdecisions.scot.nhs.uk/ and click on Collections > NHSGGC Maternity & Gynaecology Handbook to access all the content in one place.

Some of the toolkits in our collection are password protected. These are available on Staffnet the NHSGGC Intranet site. Please contact us if you are NHS staff on placement needing access to this content, cannot access Staffnet and do not have the password.

The following toolkits make up the NHSGGC Maternity & Gynaecology Handbook Collection:

Guidelines Library
NHSGGC Maternity & Gynaecology clinical guidelines, including relevant Neonatal guidelines.

Handbook for Junior Doctors
The material in the Handbook for Junior Doctors was developed by Dr Rosie Tomlins and Dr Rosie Howitt as an essential survival guide for all FY2s/GPSTs/ST1-2 working in obstetrics & gynaecology within NHSGGC.

Junior Doctor Induction
Practical information to assist new Junior Doctors based at PRMH, QEUH & RAH

Contacts Directory
Key telephone & page numbers for maternity and gynaecology at PRMH, QEUH & RAH.

Midwifery Formulary
The Scottish National Midwifery Formulary for Mothers and Neonates.

When you're searching the web version of the Right Decisions Platform, the search box in the top righthand corner will apply limits depending on whether you're in a toolkit, a collection, or searching from the Right Decisions homepage.

If you're searching from the GGC Maternity & Gynaecology Homepage, your results will all be from the toolkits that make up the Handbook:

If you're searching from an individual toolkit, for example the Maternity & Gynaecology Guidelines, your results will all be from that toolkit:

Toolkit search screen

If you're searching from the Right Decisions Homepage, you should be aware that you're searching the whole platform, including content from other NHS Boards and organisations:

You can use the filters to limit your results to just NHSGGC (organisation) or to just the GGC Maternity & Guidelines Handbook (collection), or just make sure that you check the organisation before clicking on your search result.

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Whole site search results page

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Once you've downloaded the app, you can start to fill it with the content that will be most useful to you. Watch this short video (1:00 min) to see how to download the GGC Maternity & Gynaecology toolkits, or follow the instructions below.