Advice and resources for commonly reported symptoms and signs

The categories and symptoms come from the SIGN / NICE  guideline, the additional information is provided from the Scottish Government Implementation Note .


 This content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note.

Considerations specific to Covid-19

  • On exertion - may persist for many weeks to months, usually with a gradual recovery
  • Consider increased risk of VTE/PE post COVID-19 infection
  • Intermitting chest pain not unusual

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support


 The following content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note.

Considerations specific to Covid-19

  • Can persist for some weeks

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support

  • Consider sputum culture if productive
  • Any antibiotic treatment should follow current guidelines
  • Follow local guidelines for suspected asthma/COPD

Red flags


 This content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note.

Considerations specific to Covid-19

  • May need to exclude eg infection

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support

  • Bloods (inc TFTs)
  • Lying and standing BP
  • ECG
  • Consider orthostatic hypotension - NICE guidance

Red flags


 This content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note

Considerations specific to Covid-19

  • Consider impact on role - eg carer, time off work and phased return
  • Reassure that with time and self-management, fatigue usually improves gradually
  • Consider local support groups, referral to community based services of CHSS Long COVID service
  • Advice on pacing and energy management

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support

Red flags

  • Consider underlying cardio/respiratory disease


 This content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note.

Considerations specific to Covid-19

  • Commonly encountered symptoms of headache, abdominal pain, musculoskeletal pains
  • Recovery may be prolonged
  • Consider impacts on activities as well as personal and professional roles

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support

  • Guided by clinical assessment, exclude alternative or treatable causes
  • For Rheumatology advice regarding inflammatory conditions, see Investigations and Referral section (scroll down to 'Additional specialty advice')
  • Pain Concern and Pain Association provide useful resources around guidance and management

Delirium (in older populations)

 This content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note.

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support

Cognitive impairment (‘brain fog’, loss of concentration or memory issues)

 This content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note.

Considerations specific to Covid-19

  • Concentration and memory impairment can be linked to structural damage in more severe initial infections.  In milder community managed cases ("brain fog") appears to be commonly caused by functional cognitive disorders

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support

Red flags

  • Focal neurological symptoms or stroke should be referred as per local pathways


 This content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note.

Considerations specific to Covid-19

  • Recovery may be prolonged
  • Consider impacts on activities as well as personal and professional roles

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support

  • Guided by clinical assessment, exclude alternative or treatable causes
  • Pain Concern and Pain Association provide useful resources around guidance and management


 This content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note.

Long-term COVID-19 symptom or sign

  • Cognitive impairment, migraine, dizziness - commonly reported
  • Concentration and memory impairment can be linked to structural damage in more severe initial infections.  In milder community managed cases ("brain fog") appears to be commonly caused by functional cognitive disorders

Considerations specific to Covid-19

  • Consider impact on role - eg carer, time off work and phased return
  • Reassure that with time and self-management, fatigue usually improves gradually
  • Consider local support groups, referral to community based services of CHSS Long COVID service
  • Advice on pacing and energy management

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support

Red flags

  • Focal neurological symptoms or stroke should be referred as per local pathways

Abdominal pain

 This content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note.

Considerations specific to Covid-19

  • Recovery may be prolonged
  • Consider impacts on activities as well as personal and professional roles

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support

  • Guided by clinical assessment, exclude alternative or treatable causes
  • Pain Concern and Pain Association provide useful resources around guidance and management

Joint pain

 This content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note.

Considerations specific to Covid-19

  • Recovery may be prolonged
  • Consider impacts on activities as well as personal and professional roles

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support

  • Guided by clinical assessment, exclude alternative or treatable causes
  • For Rheumatology advice regarding inflammatory conditions, see Investigations and Referral section (scroll down to 'Additional specialty advice')
  • Pain Concern and Pain Association provide useful resources around guidance and management



 This content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note.

Long-term COVID-19 symptom or sign

  • Mental health including low mood, PTSD, anxiety

Considerations specific to Covid-19

  • Common features post-COVID-19 infection
  • PTSD may be as a result of hospital admission / ITU - ask about intrusive thoughts, nightmares, avoiding behaviours

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support

  • Consider screening tools such as:
  • HDU/ITU patients may also be followed up through specialist services
  • Multiple factors - carer strain, employment, finance, relationship strain or loss of support

Red flags

  • Immediate risk of self harm
  • Neurocognitive problems in presence of new or pre-existing neurological diagnosis


Loss of taste / smell

 This content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note.

Considerations specific to Covid-19

  • Very common - up to 50%
  • Commonly improves over a few weeks

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support

  • Associated nasal symptoms
  • Neurological symptoms
  • 'NoseWell' - guide created by abScent and British Rhinological Society
  • See Investigations and Referral. Further information is available in the section on change or loss of smell (anosmia, hyposmia or cacosmia).

Red flags

  • Consider MRI / ENT referral if uncertainty or neurological finding


Skin rashes

 This content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note .

Long-term COVID-19 symptom or sign

  • Urticaria
  • Angioedema

Considerations specific to Covid-19

  • These symptoms can be triggered by intercurrent infection or post viral illness and so can be expected following COVID-19 infection
  • Further triggers include psychological stress, NSAIDs
  • Treatment should follow standard care with antihistamines, titrated to achieve symptom control

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support

Red flags

  • Anaphylaxis


 This content is derived from the Scottish Government's Implementation Support Note.

Considerations specific to Covid-19

  • Can persist for weeks to months but should resolve
  • May cause ongoing pyrexia, tachycardia and breathlessness
  • Respond well to conservative measures
  • Some may need medication for a short period
  • Respond well to pulmonary rehab

Initial investigations to consider/resources to support

  • PUO work up should be considered

Red flags

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Persistent lymphadenopathy


The following symptoms and signs are less commonly reported in children and young people than in adults: 

  • shortness of breath
  • persistent cough
  • pain on breathing
  • palpitations
  • variations in heart rate
  • chest pain.