
An online resource with a lot of information about chronic pain, anxiety and stress. It’s free and easy to use.

Health Improvement Scotland

Provide a booklet for patients and carers on ‘Managing Chronic Pain’.

This is based on evidence and aims to make people affected by chronic pain aware of the care and treatment they should expect to receive when living with chronic pain.

Pain Association Scotland

This is a helpful website with a lot of useful information about chronic pain and locally available support

Pain Concern

This charity aims to help, support and inform people living with chronic pain. They have a website, a magazine, a radio show, a phone line and a website.

Pain Toolkit and Self Care Toolkit

  • These simple information booklets, written by someone living with chronic pain, provide hints and tips to support you to manage your pain. Both toolkits are free to download.
  • The Pain Toolkit is also available as an app via the Apple and Google App Stores, for a small charge.

Steps to deal with stress

Steps for Stress

This free resource supports you to recognise and manage stress. A booklet and free relaxation CD is available in many healthcare sites and also by contacting