Your home can be adapted to make daily life easier for you and your family or carer. Using different types of equipment and improving the design and layout of the home can help. Equipment doesn’t have to cost a lot or be complicated to be helpful. Even small, everyday items can help. Examples are: 

  • Equipment to help you with walking and moving 
  • Equipment to help with household tasks 
  • Adapted kitchen equipment 
  • Equipment to help with washing, bathing and using the toilet 

Thinking about equipment or adaptations early is a good idea, this will enable you get used to it as part of your daily routine. If you or your family member and or carer would like to find out what is available, contact Access First. Access First will take your information, assess your needs for equipment, adaptations or services and let you know what will happen next. To get in contact with Access First: 

Telephone - Call 01475 714646 

Or email Send email to 

For more information about services in Inverclyde  - Go to website Inverclyde Homecare Service  

There is also more information you can read about equipment at Alzheimer Society - Go to website What equipment can improve or adapt the home of a person with dementia?