Why is it important?

Tap each title to expand. Work through each section in numerical order

1. Why is it important to improve health literacy?

Why it is important to improve health literacy? Left to right, 2 images per row Image 1 Person showing their muscles and in the foreground there is a cartoon heart with a tick on it. Point 1  Leads to improved health and better health outcomes for people, Image 2 Computer in the background with a lightbulb on screen with an I inside it, person next to the computer. Point 2 better understanding of medication information leads to effective treatment and less waste, Next row Image 3 Clipboard with printout of an ECG (Electrocardiogram) and a pen for notes Point 3 early diagnosis of diseases such as cancer, Image 4 Hospital building. Point 4 less hospital admissions

References 5, 6

The following video explains why health literacy is important (Duration approx. 5min):

2. Health literacy in Scotland

The Scottish Government recognise the need to improve Health Literacy levels in Scotland and have created these Action Plans. 

making it easier - a health literacy action plan for Scotland 2017-2025

Find out more about the current

Making it Easier plan 8 Go to website  (2017 - 2025)

3. Health literacy in practice

Health literacy is also embedded in the Chief Medical ​Officer’s Realising Realistic Medicine annual reports 7

People should have the skills to:

  • Be involved in decision making about their health.  This will lead to more personalised care and reduction of variation in procedures and medication waste.

  • Reducing health inequalities
Realistic Medicine

4. Workbook exercise (1)

Workbook Workbook Exercise

Workbook exercise (1)

Think about your own work setting, identify two key groups you work with who may be at risk of low health literacy.

What do you currently do to support them with their health literacy?

Are there any other steps you think you could take?

The remainder of this module will look at tools and techniques you can use to support people with their health literacy.

5. Next - to move forward click the blue arrow (if this is not shown click the + sign to the right)
