Any service user 18 plus, male and female, who require an alcohol support service, to prevent, divert, or resettle from homelessness.
We are pleased to advise that deep linking capability, enabling users to directly download individual mobile toolkits, has now been released on the RDS mobile app. You will see that each toolkit has a small QR code icon in the header area beside the search icon – see screenshot below. Clicking on this icon will open up a window with a full-size QR code and the alternative of a short URL for sharing with users. Instructions are provided.
You may need to actively update to the latest release - RDS app version 4.7.1 - to see this improvement.
Updating to this latest version of the RDS app is also strongly recommended to get the full benefits of the new resilience arrangements – specifically, that if the RDS website should fail, you will still be able to download new mobile app toolkits. To check your current RDS version, click on the three dots bottom right of the RDS app screen. This takes you to a “More” page where you will see the version number. To install latest updates:
On iPhones – go to the Apple store, click on your profile icon top right, scroll down to see the apps waiting to be updated and update the RDS app.
On Android phones – these can vary, but try going to the Google Play store, click on your profile icon top right, click on “Manage apps and device”, select and update the RDS app.
Please get in touch with with any questions.
This service will form part of a resettlement care package. The service aims to support clients through the resettlement process, by providing support, advice and information on alcohol related issues. This service is flexible and will support clients at any stage of homelessness or resettlement. The service will also work with clients to prevent relapse and move and support you to maintain clients own tenancy. The service will help prevent clients becoming homeless by providing support advice information and counselling on alcohol related issues.
To prevent clients from becoming homeless by providing support, advice, information and counselling on alcohol related issues and retaining/maintaining tenancies and independent living
To divert clients from becoming homeless or if they are already homeless, offering support in the community to access and resettle without having to use city centre based services
To provide a resettlement service for service users leaving homelessness, specifically the Hostel closure programme. Providing care and support, advice, information and counselling on alcohol related issues moving towards independent living within the community.
Services users can self-refer by calling the project for an appointment, care mangers or other service providers can refer by phone.