

The ED will often be the first point of call for septic patients - therefore it is important to recognise it and act on it quickly. The sepsis proforma covers the main things to watch out for:

Sepsis Proforma (SharePoint)

The important things to take away from the proforma are:

  • Early recognition with SIRS criteria - this will often have happened in triage
  • If the source is unclear, discuss with an ED senior to see whether a CT is required
  • The patient should be reassessed to ensure that the numbers are improving - a lactate that isn't improving may suggest a collection that could require surgical input
  • Follow the microbiology advise on best options for management of various sources of infection


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 13/04/2023

Next review date: 01/05/2025

Author(s): Dr T Considine, Dr D Maguire and Dr K Kilmurray.

Version: 2

Document Id: 189