Fractured Neck of Femur
Fractured neck of femur have a thorough proforma that goes through all the essentials for patients. The ED is monitored for compliance with the 'Big 6' which includes:
- Bloods being taken - NOF order set on Trakcare
- IV Fluids prescribed and started
- Analgesia prescribed on Kardex
- NEWS documented
- Completion of pressure area assessment
- Delirium screening performed (4AT)
Unfortunately our performance on these can be inconsistent, please ensure that patients get all of these done. The rest of the proforma ensures that X-rays and ECG have been checked and covers whether or not a Fascia Iliaca block can be done. The only contraindications to this are patients being anticoagulated, infection at the injection site, local anaesthetic allergy or patient refusal. Patients should be moved to a monitored bay or Resus to have a FIB performed. Remember to STOP before you block and confirm the correct side of radiologically confirmed fracture.