Falls screening

Proformas (SharePoint link)

Falls self referral

Home transfer and support (SharePoint link)

Referral to to the falls community falls prevention programme

Information about Community Falls Prevention Programme for A&E staff app 

Who can you refer? 

Patients must meet the following criteria: 

  • 65 years old or over 
  • Have had at least 1 fall in the last year 
  • Community dwelling (not nursing or residential home) 
  • Must live within the NHS GGC health board area 
  • Must consent to referral 

If you feel you have a patient that may benefit from the service please complete the following screening questions to see if suitable: 

Level 1 Falls  Screening.doc 

How to refer? 

Referrals can be made over the phone by using the following number: 

  • 0141 427 8311 

Service is open Mon-Fri (excluding PH’s) 0830-1630.  There is an answer machine to leave messages out with these times. 

Referrals can also be sent electronically to the following mailbox: 


Further information on service can be found on our webpage