Rape and sexual assault
Rape is when someone puts their penis into (penetrates) the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person without their consent. Assault by penetration is when someone puts another part of their body – or an object – into another person’s vagina or anus without that person’s consent. Sexual assault is when someone touches another person in a sexual way, without that person’s consent. Sexual assault happens to people of every age, race, religion, gender identity, class, and sexuality. It can happen to people with disabilities and people without them. (NHS Inform)
If the young person has been recently abused or assaulted, staff and carers should immediately contact the young person’s social worker, the duty social worker or Stand-by Social Work Services.
Information about support services:
Archway Glasgow is a SARCS – a Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service.
NHS Inform Help and support for 13-16 year olds
Support available through Rape Crisis
The Rosey project have a range of resources that young people may find helpful. These resources have been created by survivors to help others dealing with sexual violence. Rosey Project Resources