Suspected giant cell arteritis


Suspected Giant Cell Arteritis (Urgent referrals via SCI)

Refer if all 4 features present:

  • age of onset > 50 yrs
  • Elevated CRP (or awaiting urgent CRP result)
  • Recent onset of headache (usually temporal)
  • No alternative explanation for headache

Refer to ophthalmology if visual symptoms present e.g diplopia, visual field defects, visual loss

Other features which may make a diagnosis of GCA more likely:

  • Scalp pain/tenderness/temporal artery abnormalities (reduced/absent pulsation)
  • Jaw or tongue claudication
  • Symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica (proximal muscle pain and stiffness)
  • CRP can initially be normal but is extremely rare

Clyde Referral Pathway


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 28/06/2022

Next review date: 28/06/2025

Author(s): Consultant Physician and Rheumatologist.

Version: 1

Approved By: Referral Management Group