Please come along to our Pain Early Information Session to hear more about the Pain Management Service and then there will be an opportunity to share with us what you would like to gain from coming to our service. This will help us plan your care together.
Pain early information session

A printable PDF version of this patient leaflet is available here
If you require this information in an accessible format, such as large print, BSL or Braille, or in a community language, please use the contact details on your patient information leaflet or letter or see: information in other languages, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Our Pain Management nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, pharmacists and psychologists all know that pain is real and understand that you are the only person who can tell us about your experience of pain.
We know that each person's experience of pain and how that are affected by it, is unique, which is why each person needs an individual pain management plan. We will discuss this with you when you attend the service.
We also know that having information early and learning more about pain self-management can help people to live better with pain, and has been shown to make a real difference in people's lives.
There are two appointments, the first is a group session lasting up to 1.5 hours, which is either a video call or in person, depending on your needs. The second is an individual telephone conversation lasting 15 minutes. It is important for you to take part in both appointments.
We will be introducing the science of pain and factors that affect your experience of pain, along with some tools that might help you manage pain in your life. There will be some time for questions at the end of the first session an a chance for some discussion during the telephone conversation.
The aim of these appointments are to give you more information about what we do in the pain management service, hear what is important to you and help you identify how we can support you to live well with your pain.
The first session is led by 2-3 members of the pain management team and there will be a group of approximately 15-20 other people living with chronic pain.
There is no requirement to speak or take part in the group session. Previous feedback has indicated that individual's feel supported and understood when they see other people in a similar situation to themselves.
The second appointment is an individual telephone conversation with a member of the Pain Management Team.
Topics included in the first Session:
- How pain works in the body
- We know that learning more about what's happening in our body when we have chronic pain, can help us to understand why using pain self-management tools can make a difference.
- Managing your activities
- Many people feel that they have had to reduce what the do, or that trying to do certain activities can increase their pain. Finding new ways to adapt routines and build up activities can improve your everyday life.
- Thoughts and Feelings
- People with persistent pain often feel fed up and frustrated. You may have experienced low mood and felt anxious. We will discuss the link between thoughts and feelings and how this can affect your everyday life.
- Medications for Persistent Pain
- Taking medications is only a small part of how you might manage your chronic pain.
Please contact the number on the letter you have received, and we can arrange a date for both appointments.
We ask that you attend both appointments. There may be additional paperwork for you to complete. Please let us know if you need any additional help.
If you do not get back to us, we will assume you do not wish to come along to our service and we will remove your name from the waiting list. We will also tell your GP.
Please contact the service if you have any concerns about attending, or cannot attend and we can arrange a further appointment for you.
You will now have an idea of what we offer within the Pain Management Service. You may feel confident to start making some changes to your life from what you have already heard.
During the telephone conversation, you can make your appointment for your individual appointment.
We look forward to meeting you.
If you require this information in an accessible format, such as large print, BSL or Braille, or in a community language, please use the contact details on your patient information leaflet or letter or see: information in other languages, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Please visit our website while you wait for your appointment: Chronic Pain, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde