- Patient resides within GG&C Health Board* catchment area and is 18 years of age or over.
- Patients aged 16 or 17 may be considered following discussion with a member of the pain team.
- Pain has been present for more than 3 months with an adverse impact on quality of life.
- All appropriate investigations and treatment should be complete.
- If the patient requires further investigation or definitive treatment for their painful condition, please refer to the appropriate service for completion of investigations or treatment before referring to the pain service (g. orthopaedics, rheumatology).
- Patient should be aware that the ethos of the service is based on supported self-management and they are willing to explore / able to make changes to their current activities / coping strategies.
- Current GG&C Chronic Pain Management guidelines have been followed prior to referral
- This includes trials of appropriate medications and referral to MSK physiotherapy where appropriate.
*Patients residing in Argyll and Clyde (as part of Highland HB) catchment can be referred but may not be able to access the full GG&C service.