Live Active Referral Guidance


Service aims

The service aims to help and support patients to become more active within the local community.  The service will provide support and advice from our specialist and highly qualified Live Active Advisors for 12months.  The Advisors will provide an initial one to one consultation to discuss and set behavioural change goals whether it’s increasing physical activity, healthy eating and weight loss or simply living a more positive lifestyle.

The service is patient led therefore programme plans and reviews will take place at regular times during the 12months based on the patients needs and requirements.

Service provision

Over the course of a 12 month period and through the support of our one-to-one consultations, either in person or on the telephone, our Live Active Advisors will provide patients with the knowledge, tools and confidence they need to meet their physical activity goals.

A physical activity plan is tailored for each individual with Live Active Advisors on hand every step of the way offering techniques to cope with setbacks and advice on how to gain the right social support to keep them on track.  This unique service is ideal for patients who are keen to make better lifestyle choices but need support to do so.

Live Active sessions provide patients with access to various activities including; Vitality classes, supervised gym sessions, swimming, health walks, to name but a few. Patients will also be offered access to wider NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde support services including smoke free services.

Key features of Live Active are as follows –

  • One-to-one consultations with a Live Active Advisor to discuss activity
  • Support and advice to get started
  • Supported activity sessions and follow ups
  • Information and support to help with other behaviours if required e.g. healthy eating and weight management

Referral criteria

  • The patient must be aged 16 years and over.
  • The patient must be inactive. If they are active please consider the other physical activity options available by visiting the physical activity website 
  • The patient should be motivated to increase their levels of physical activity.
  • The patient should have a Blood Pressure of less than 160/90 mmHg OR if the patient is being monitored or treated for blood pressure should have a reading of less than 180/100 mmHg
  • The patient must have the mental and physical ability to follow an individual or class based programme. Please note - Patients with additional support needs must be accompanied by a carer (professional/voluntary) – the Live Active Referral scheme is unable to provide one to one exercise tuition.
  • The patient must NOT have poorly controlled diabetes; symptomatic hypotension; febrile illness or a new cardiac event in the last 8 weeks
  • If your patient has established heart disease please also follow referral criteria for “Patients WITH established heart disease” and complete the relevant form (Referral Form B) and send to your local Live Active Advisor. A referral to the Live Active Referral Scheme for these patients allows access to further screening such as a cardiac physiologist led exercise test or alternative stress or functional test to determine suitability and safety of exercise prescription for the patient.  The hospital will assume clinical responsibility for any recommendations to exercise.
  • If your patient doesn’t have established heart disease please complete relevant form (Referral Form A) and send to local Live Active Advisor.

Additional referral criteria for patients with established heart disease

  • The patient must NOT have an increase in angina frequency or severity since their rehab/most recent ETT. If they do and it is within 4 weeks please refer to rapid access chest pain service; if longer than 4 weeks please refer to cardiology clinic and DO NOT use this form.
  • The patient must NOT have completed rehab in the last 6months. If they have please contact the rehab team physio who will complete the relevant referral form.
  • The patient must NOT have had an ETT within the last 6months. If they have please detail this on the form and the Live Active Advisor will contact the hospital for the previous ETT results.
  • If the patient has a new diagnosis of angina please consider cardiac rehab referral

Contraindications: patients not suitable for the scheme

The following lists the group of patients that are not suitable for the Scheme.

  • Patients with Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • Patients with Aortic Stenosis with gradient >60mmHg
  • Patients with unstable angina
  • Patients with acute heart failure or CHF (NYHA 3 or 4)
  • Patients who have had an MI / CABG / Percutaneous Intervention within the last 6months
  • Patients with, uncontrolled tachycardia or uncontrolled arrhythmia or a ventricular rate >100bpm
  • Patients with a MRC Dyspnoea Score grade 3 or above
  • Patients with acute systemic Illness
  • Patients awaiting cardiac investigations

Who can refer

Referrals can be made by any health professional with access to the patient’s medical notes and who are willing to accept clinical responsibility for the patients. 

Please note for patients with established heart disease a referral must be made by the patients GP or PN.  And the hospital assumes clinical responsibility for any recommendations to exercise.


The appropriate referral form should be completed (Referral Form A for patients without established heart disease / Referral Form B for patients with established heart disease) and sent to the local Live Active Advisor (i.e. the site where the patient wants to attend for their appointment)

Live Active is now available as a SCI Gateway location “Live Active GG&C” which comprises all the leisure centre sites.

If unsure or for more information please call 0141 232 1860 and select health professional option or visit the physical activity website 

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 14/11/2022

Next review date: 14/11/2024

Author(s): Health Improvement Seniors (Physical Activity).

Version: 1

Approved By: LMC