Project Milkshake Resources


Recipe Book

Please find both available versions of our fortified milkshake recipe book below. These can be printed off for use within your care home. The recipes include high calorie, high protein, low volume and healthier choice options. In addition, milk alternatives have been incorporated in order to support residents who dislike milk, or are unable to tolerate it. Each recipe has the nutritional breakdown provided in a variety of volumes i.e. 50ml, 100ml and 200ml servings.

Recipe Book (A4 version)

Recipe Book (A5 version)

Image of the front cover of the recipe book

Information Pack

Please find a link to the Project Milkshake information pack below. This document contains everything you need to know about how to set up using fortified milkshakes in your home and how to monitor this. This has been created as a digital document so contains active links and will be reviewed regularly.

Project Milkshake Information Pack

Image of the front page of the project milkshake information pack

5 Top Tips Poster

Please find a link below to 'Project Milkshake 5 Top Tips' Poster. This is to support staff awareness in your home.

Project Milkshake 5 Top Tips Poster

Image of the 5 top tips poster created for project milkshake

Data Collection Tools - PDF version and Examples

MUST is a very useful tool to identify nutritional risk, but when starting residents on milkshakes other methods can be used to track progress. Please note, the following data collection methods are suggestions to help support tracking of milkshakes:

PDF - Printable and Non-Editable Version with Examples:

Milkshake Tracker And Example (None Editable)

Image of milkshake volume tracker form

Monthly MUST Step 5 Tracker And Example (None Editable)

Image of MUST Step 5 data collection tool

Monthly MUST Tracker And Example (None Editable)

Image of MUST tracker tool

Data Collection Tools - Microsoft Word Version

MUST is a very useful tool to identify nutritional risk, but when starting residents on milkshakes other methods can be used to track progress. Please note, the following data collection methods are suggestions to help support tracking of milkshakes:

Microsoft Word Version:

Volume Tracker Data Collection (Word)

Monthly MUST Tracker (Word)

MUST Step 5 Tracker (Word)

Data Collection Tools - Excel Version

MUST is a very useful tool to identify nutritional risk, but when starting residents on milkshakes other methods can be used to track progress. Please note, the following data collection methods are suggestions to help support tracking of milkshakes:

Microsoft Excel Version:

Project Milkshake Data Collection (Excel)

QR Code Resource Sheet for Project Milkshake

A resource sheet with all the useful QR codes and links for Project Milkshake and MUST.
A QR code sheet for all the resources for project milkshake
Useful QR Codes Project Milkshake (1)

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 21/01/2025

Next review date: 21/07/2025