
Key contacts

Key Contact:

Victoria Hilton - Care Home Dietitian - victoria.hilton@ggc.scot.nhs.uk 

Lead Clinician:

Gillian Mackay - Advanced Practice Care Home Dietitian - gillian.mackay3@ggc.scot.nhs.uk

Senior Responsible Owner:

Michelle Wardrop - Community Manager - Dietetics - michelle.wardrop@ggc.scot.nhs.uk 

Accessibility checks

Alt-Text added for images so they can be read by a screen reader.

Posters included within the Toolkit are compliant with accessibility guidelines.

Content management and governance

Toolkit Authors:

Advanced Practice Care Home Dietitian
Care Home Dietitians

Approved by:

Approved by Care Home Dietetic Team and Care Home Clinical Effectiveness Group at time of initial publication

Review Process:

Content to be reviewed 6 monthly initially, before being reviewed annually going forwards. This will ensure that content which has been added remains relevant, accurate and current.

When the content is due for review, any changes will be approved at a Care Home Dietetic Team meeting.

Ongoing Development:

Care Home Clinical Effectiveness Group will oversee development of the Toolkit.

Content review by clinicians and people with lived experience

Community Dietetic Lead Michelle Wardrop has reviewed pathways included within this Toolkit. In addition, she has reviewed all other content within this Toolkit.

Michelle is a member of the Care Home Clinical Effectiveness Group.


All content has been developed within NHS GGC.

Posters developed on Canva Pro. Licence allows for these to be used within Toolkit.

Evidence base

NICE Guidelines and Journals have been used. NHSGGC MUST step 5 pathway (published 2013) has been followed. BAPEN (National Body) MUST Pathway has been followed. ESPEN European Guidelines have also influenced toolkit development.

Governance sign-off and ongoing development

Care Home Clinical Effectiveness Group have approved the publication (some user testers were part of this group).

Monitoring and acting on feedback and complaints

Feedback Form is included within About this Toolkit Tile.

Any User feedback will be discussed at Care Home Dietetic meeting. Consultation with Care Home Clinical Effectiveness Group where necessary.

Risk assessment

Potential Risk - Toolkit no longer reflects the current clinical guidance.

Control - Regular clinical reviews of evidence

User testing

User Testing has been carried out.

4 Staff Users have given feedback. Usability feedback was positive. Two new Tiles were created based on feedback from users.

User Feedback

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 02/08/2024

Next review date: 31/01/2025

Author(s): Advanced Practice Care Home Dietitian, Care Home Dietitians.

Version: Version 1

Author email(s): ggc.carehomedieteticteam@ggc.scot.nhs.uk.

Approved By: Care Home Dietetic Team; Food Fluid and Nutrition Care Homes Work Stream group

Reviewer name(s): Gillian Mackay, Vik Hilton.