Short Notice Cancellation On The Same Day
Contact RMC as close to 8am as possible to start cancelling the first day of patients.
Your Team Lead should also be contacted / informed as close to your start time as possible.
RMC will contact all patients up until 10.30am as a minimum (later if capacity allows).
Local admin should assist RMC in the cancellation process as soon as possible.
Any patients that RMC or local admin are unable to contact in person will remain on the clinic list with a note left via the appointment type stating whether a message was left, call made with no answer etc.
This will allow for these appointments to be managed locally later the same day.
RMC will only support this on the 1st day of absence, any subsequent days should be managed locally.
Student’s sickness will be managed/absorbed by the individual Physio depts.
Prior to cancelling any patients the clinic must be closed down using the not available icon as normal.
If there are no 'not available' icons, as the clinic is full:-
- Untick ‘Hide Closed Slots’ box and click 'Find' to make an icon available
- Once completing the not available process the final pop up window ‘Auto Bulk Transfer’ should be closed using the 'X' and not update so that the patients remain on the work list.
- The work list will then need to be refreshed to show the not available status. Patients can then be rescheduled and as their name disappears from the work list the appointment slot will disappear so that no-one else can be booked into the work list.
NB - If leaving a message for a patient regarding cancelling their appointment, for confidentiality, the message should say:- "We are calling to cancel your appointment for X date at X time, please call ...... to reschedule".