General physio CPD resources


General resources

Clinical Physio

Function2Fitness (a range of patient info and clinical CPD - rec AY)

Moving Medicine (Scotland)

MSK Reform code [MSKR site no longer active]

Running Physio


Assessment, treatment and exercises

Physiotutors assessment videos



Physiotools guidance

The contact to arrange IST updates is:

Gail Milne Physio tools IST update Dec 2020 [broken MS Stream link]

Please note that you can use templates that others have created:

Templates in Physiotools


Neural treatments

Please see below for some neural treatment options:

David Butler: Nerves, knowledge and theratube video (5 minutes)

Physiotutors Sliders and Gliders video (5 minutes)

Please see some recent research papers on this subject:

Podcasts, apps and social media


Modern Manual Therapy: the definitive guide to PT podcasts (2016)

Physiotutors podcasts


Who to follow on social media (Phil Speirs recommendations)







Foot and Ankle











Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 20/06/2024

Next review date: 20/06/2025

Author(s): Karen Glass.

Approved By: MSK Physiotherapy Extended Management Team

Reviewer name(s): Louise Ross, Alison Baird, Karen Glass.