Communications Manager - Equality and Human Rights Team
Equality and Human Rights Team Leader
Equality and Human Rights Practitioner (Autism Lead)
Processes and Key Responsibilities:
Review and sign-off of content at time of initial publication
Meeting with Leads/ Contributors of app content. This will be previewed by all
before being approved for publication.
Review and sign-off of initial delivery of the content via the RDP
Meeting with Leads/ Contributors of app content. This will be previewed by all
before being approved for publication.
Proposing updates and signing off proposals for updates to the content after
initial publication, outwith the scheduled review dates.
If there were changes of legislation, feedback etc, the key contact would
speak to the Lead Clinician and look for agreement on whether to publish.
Review and sign-off of updated content via the RDP, outwith the scheduled
review dates.
If there was feedback suggesting a change to the layout of content, the key
contact would speak to the Lead Clinician and look for agreement on whether
to publish.
Determining the review date(s) for content.
Some pathways are more likely to change than others due to complexity. They
would have more regular review dates. As standard, we would review all
content every 6 months.
Receiving the automated alerts from RDP when the content is due for review, and ensuring that the review takes place in a timely manner?
Team meeting to be arranged and the authors would review their respective content.
Content Updates:
The GGC Knowledge Services Team will make updates to the content. The Clinical
Team will make small changes where possible