It is important when considering multiple risk that we keep abreast of any emerging local trends and consider suitable targeted prevention messages. There is a wealth of information available on young people and risk behaviours in Scotland, and more specifically within Glasgow. In addition, there are a number of organisations responsible for collating a range of data and statistics with regard to national and local risk behaviour information, public health challenges and trends. We have outlined some additional resources for information below. Some of these are for educators learning and others can be used to support education and activities with learners. Educators should also consider resources outlined within the other health priority sections to support learning around multiple risk (e.g. mental health, RSHP, vulnerability, stigma etc.)
Public Health Scotland
Prevention in public health is about keeping people healthy and avoiding the risk of poor health, illness, injury, and early death. Find out more by clicking here 
Public Health Scotland (PHS) provide an overview of alcohol, drug, mental health and well being, sexual health and young people related research. Click here
to visit the PHS website for further information.
The Adolescent Brain
UNICEF: Advances in neuroscience reveal that the adolescent brain is still a work in progress, offering a crucial second window of opportunity to influence the development of children in their second decade of life. Learn more and access resources from UNICEF by clicking here 
BBC Learning (6 minute English): Until recently, it was thought that human brain development was all over by early childhood but research in the last decade has shown that the adolescent brain is still changing into early adulthood. This programme delves inside the teenage brain, hears from an expert and teaches some useful vocabulary along the way to stretch your own brain! Watch the short video from BBC by clicking here 
Substance use
Public Health Scotland - Substance use
Information on treatment, prevention, surveillance, data and intelligence, MERR and our national mission in relation to substance use in Scotland. Click here
to view.
Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH)
GCPH research resources include alcohol work and mental health profiles. It also includes alcohol and drugs data for Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Glasgow City and neighbourhoods. GCPH developed the Children and Young People's Health Profiles (2016) which provide a comprehensive overview of health and wellbeing in Glasgow. In themselves they do not measure risk but do report on several of the known indicators for risk taking. Click here
to visit the GCPH website for further information.
Young Minds Guide for Young People: Drugs and Alcohol
A guide containing the facts on drugs and alcohol, how they can affect your mental health, and advice on what to do if you need support. You can access the guide here. 
The Alcohol Education Trust
The Alcohol Educational Trust have developed a range of alcohol education resources for children with Special Educational Needs or English as a Second Language. You can access them here. 
'Things I wish someone had told me about Booze': for young people, by young people
For stages S1 - S6: A leaflet developed in partnership with young people by Glasgow City Youth Health Service, Media Co-op and Young Movers (YoMo). The leaflet provides information for young people around alcohol and harms from alcohol. You can view the leaflet here 
GCA - Alcohol Unit Guidelines
It’s not recommended that you drink any more than 14 units of alcohol per week, spread evenly over 3-4 days with at least a couple of alcohol-free days per week. Glasgow Council on Alcohol have a helpful guide that explains the Alcohol Unit Guidelines. You can view the guidelines here 
Alcohol Focus Scotland
Local Profiles: Alcohol Focus Scotland has developed local profiles demonstrating the high level of alcohol harm within Scotland’s 32 local authorities. The local area profiles highlight the number of people drinking over the recommended low-risk guidelines, the number of hospital admissions and deaths as a result of alcohol, and the cost of alcohol harm to the public purse, among other key facts. You can view the profiles here 
Alcohol and Young People: Alcohol Focus Scotland provide information and a useful fact sheet on the impacts of alcohol use for young people, both direct and indirect. Click here
to view.
Tobacco and Vaping
ASH Scotland
ASH Scotland have information and resources on their website to support children, young people and families to reduce the harm from smoking. You can access the website here. 
NHS GGC Tobacco and Vaping Briefing Papers
The Board's Vaping and Young People Group have recently written a Briefing Paper which contains key information and messages about vaping and young people including health harms, environmental impact and links to websites for additional information and advice. These documents contain information for parents, carers and staff who work with young people. There is a full version of the Briefing Paper and a Condensed version for a quicker read. Both are available here 
Gambling harms
Gambling Education Toolkit
The Gambling Education Toolkit provides free resources and information about youth Gambling and Gambling Harms for Secondary Schools. It is designed for practitioners who work with young people in health and education settings. You can browse and read through the key information of each chapter and look at individual activities, but you will also have the option of downloading each section or the entire toolkit, for free. Click here
to access the toolkit
Gambling Education Hub CPD
The Scottish Gambling Education Hub provides free training sessions on youth gambling and gambling harms. The training sessions are open to practitioners who engage with young people under the age of 25 and/or with parents and carers, across a variety of health and education settings. Each CPD session supports participants to: increase their awareness regarding gambling and its impact on young people’s health and wellbeing; better understand about gambling harms and the relationship between gambling and other risk-taking behaviours; recognise the signs and consequences of gambling harms; increase their knowledge of resources available; find information on additional support and specialised services; explores ways to include gambling in the range of issues that services already address; strengthen their skills and confidence to deliver gambling education and prevention activities. Sessions can also cover other gambling-related topics, such as the links between gambling and gaming. Find out more and access the CPD calendar here 
Trust Me Film
The Trust Me film and resources were developed by Fast Forward. The film and resources are designed for practitioners who work with young people in health and education settings, particularly secondary schools. You can watch the film and access the resources here