
Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) 

SUDI is the term used when an infant (0-24 months) dies unexpectedly and suddenly. The cause of death is unknown from the outset. 

Unintentional Injuries in Children 

Unintentional injuries (UI) are the result of events that, usually, can be prevented. Children under 5 years of age are at most risk from injuries in the home. Although they can happen anywhere. Unintentional injury is the terminology preferred over ‘accident’ due to the avoidable nature. UIs are a common cause for hospital admission and leading cause of death, ill-health and disability in children and young people. 

For more information click here .

Resources and Planning Tools

Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI)

Working with a family whose baby or child has died suddenly can be very difficult. You can access videos, e-learning, downloads and web pages for staff working with women, partners and families. For further information click here

The Scottish Cot Death Trust can offer support to bereaved families. Support is also available for staff working with bereaved and distressed families. For further information click here

For information and resources to support families click here Please note this website is currently under review and so there may be limited access.

SUDI has strong links with family poverty. The most common risk factors of SUDI are sleeping position and exposure to second-hand smoke. NHSGGC have created a prevention pathway to reduce these risk factors. For more information click here

To view the Early Years Safe Sleeping Guide click here  

Death of a child 

The death of a child is the most devastating experience a parent can face. It can be extremely difficult to make sense of. For more information on how to support someone following the death of their child. Click here   

Unintentional Injuries in Children 

For information and guidance on responding to minor injuries and accidents click here

NHSGGC have produced a framework and action plan that supports the prevention of unintentional injuries. For further information click here   


Signposting for Parents/ Carers

Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy 

The Scottish Cot Death Trust offer information and support to Parents/ Carers and families coping with the sudden unexpected death of an infant or child. Click here to view their website.

The Charity, Brightest Star offers information and support to bereaved families. You can find out more via their website by clicking here

Unintentional Injuries in Children 

The Scottish Government is supporting the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) to deliver its keeping kids safe in the home project which provides parents and carers with advice to help keep their children safe from accidental harm. For some helpful tips on keeping under-5s safe click here . The following video also shares some helpful guidance for Parents and Carers.

Strategy and Policy Tools

Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy 

The vision of the National Bereavement Care Pathway is to increase the quality of bereavement care. For further information click here 

Unintentional Injuries in Children 

NHSGGC have produced a framework and action plan that supports the prevention of unintentional injuries. For further information click here  


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 20/09/2024