Health Improvement Training Calendar: Health improvement and partners deliver a number of health related training courses. Please visit our website by clicking here to book a place on these, and a range of other, courses. You will find details below on the courses delivered by health improvement.


Please note: There are some courses that are available to education staff only and do not feature on our training calendar. These courses are marked with an asterix below. Links to book onto these courses are included alongside the course information below. 



CRAFFT is a screening tool which supports practitioners to discuss a young person's substance use and provide support and intervention where required. It is aimed at staff working with young people aged 12-17 years old and uses a validated screen tool to allow staff to take an informed approach to conversations about substance use. 

This interactive, facilitator led training by Scottish Drugs Forum provides the knowledge, skills and tools to engage one-to-one in early intervention using the CRAFFT screening tool. 

Learning objectives: 

  • Understand how to raise the issue of substance use with young people 
  • Gain an overview of effective communication techniques including motivational interviewing and brief intervention 
  • Be able to use the CRAFFT App or the paper version to deliver a screening for a young person.  
  • Be able to carry out a Brief Intervention in response to results of a screening 
  • Understand referral pathways, monitoring and reporting processes 
  • Understand implications for youth work practice in your setting 

Upcoming dates:

Tuesday 19th March 2024, 9:30am-4:30pm, SDF Office, 91 Mitchell Street, Glasgow. To register interest, please contact

CRUSH (Secondary School GBV Resource) CPD Session*


This 1 hour CPD session for Secondary School staff will provide an overview of Gender Based Violence and highlights all of the information required to utilise the CRUSH teaching resource and video in your school.

CRUSH is a film which portrays abuse and control in teenage relationships and addresses a growing concern among professionals about this issue, which is recognised as a form of gender-based violence.

The resource is designed to be used in a classroom setting by teachers with Young People in S3-S6. The film should not be used as a stand-alone resource but should be used alongside the school support pack and lesson in order to fully support young people in exploring the themes, issues and learning from the film.

Learning outcomes/objectives:

▪ Increased knowledge of Gender Based Violence.

▪ Increased knowledge and understanding of the Crush film and teacher resources to explore GBV and relationship abuse with young people.

▪ Increased awareness of further supports

Upcoming dates:

Wednesday 20th March, 3:30–4:30pm, MS Teams. Click here to book a place. 

Equally Safe Young People Training (ESYA)


To increase awareness of the issues of abuse and exploitation in young people’s relationships. Participants will be supported to develop their understanding of these issues and be equipped with the skills and language to respond.

Learning outcomes/objectives:

Increased knowledge and understanding of; The effects of gender stereotyping on young people. The signs and effects of abuse within young people’s intimate relationships. The Guideline for responding to Gender Based Violence in Youth Work Settings. Increased confidence in talking with young people about the issues.

Healthy Eating: Eatwell Guide and much more


To increase understanding and highlight the importance of the current Healthy Eating Guidelines, using the ‘Eatwell Guide’.

Learning objectives/ outcomes

This interactive session aims to introduce you to key health issues related to nutrition, Scottish Dietary Goals as well as increase your knowledge and understanding of healthy eating, using the ‘Eatwell Guide’ and what's behind the food group segments. Links to reputable sources of nutrition information and resources will be available.

Healthy Minds Information Session


This session is to provide information on the Healthy Minds Resource Pack.

Learning objectives/ outcomes

A brief overview of what influenced the development of the resource. Information on the content of the resource which will be the focus of the session, its format, how it can be accessed and used. An opportunity for questions and some participant discussion to explore how they
see the resource supporting their work in mental health improvement.

Inequality, Equity and Social Justice

This comprises of 2 short courses participants MUST book on both courses for this training


This course explores the idea of relative poverty and its links with social justice.

Learning outcomes / objectives

  • Introduce key aspects of the determinants of health: poverty, inequality, and social class.
  • Broaden participants understanding of different groups' experience of inequality.
  • Enable participants to develop a basic understanding of social exclusion, social inclusion and social justice.

(Whilst the course has a specific view on young people, it would be beneficial to anyone with an interest in inequality and social justice, and how it impacts on communities).

Keeping Mum CPD Twilight for Primary School staff*


This 1 hour CPD session for Primary School staff will provide an overview of Gender Based Violence and highlights all of the information required to utilise the KEEPING MUM teaching resource and video in your school.

The Keeping Mum resource complements existing school resources including the school RSHP Programme. The Keeping Mum film an important foundation for children to receive information on the theme of gender based violence while at primary school.

The film addresses how domestic abuse affects children at school. Its focus is a storyline about three children’s experiences as they negotiate their daily lives at home, in school and at play.

The resource is designed to be used in a classroom setting by teachers with children in P5 - 7. The film should not be used as a stand-alone resource but should be used alongside the school support pack and lesson in order to fully support children in exploring the themes, issues and learning from the film.

Learning outcomes/objectives:

▪ Increased knowledge of Domestic Abuse and Gender Based Violence.

▪ Increased knowledge and understanding of the Keeping Mum film and teacher resources to explore domestic abuse with children.

▪ Increased awareness of further supports

Upcoming dates:

Tuesday 19th March, 3:30 – 4:30pm, MS Teams. Click here to book a place. 

Poverty Awareness


During this course, you will:

  • Explore the causes and impact of poverty from a national to a local community perspective.
  • Identify actions to poverty proof the work you are involved in and promote greater inclusion and participation.

Learning Outcomes/ Objectives

  • Understand the causes of poverty.
  • Identify the impact that poverty has on children and young people’s wellbeing.
  • Reflect on how your organisation’s policy and practice can impact the experience of families in poverty.
  • Have awareness of further learning resources and information to support your work.

RSHPE - Early Protective Messages*


Early Protective Messages is an approach developed by The Health Improvement Team for Sexual Health and features as a core part of the National Resource for Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood ages 3-18. Click here to view a summary from Education Scotland. This training programme takes a whole staff approach to training through in-service days and aims to improve the knowledge, skills and confidence of child development staff about early protective messages that deal with keeping children safe and provide a good foundation for participating in Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood Education (RSHPE) at school.

Learning outcomes / objectives:

  • Have increased confidence to work proactively with children to provide consistent early messages about growing up and keeping safe.
  • Have an understanding of why it is important to involve parents and carers and how to do this.
  • Have considered how to promote children’s understanding of consent and ownership of their own body
  • Have explored gender and feel able to challenge gender stereotyping.
  • Have explored language and be clear on the language to use with children in an early years setting
  • Explore use of ‘teachable moments’ to share learning with parents and carers, allowing key messages to be consistent between the nursery and the home.

For more information on this topic and to access the RSHP resource, click here  

Upcoming dates:

2024 dates coming soon

RSHPE - Primary*


To provide primary teachers with an overview of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood education and to introduce the national teaching resource RSHP

Learning outcomes / objectives:

  • Be aware of the policy and guidance that supports the teaching of RSHPE
  • Explore the themes of relationships, sexualisation, gender stereotyping and consent at Primary level within RSHPE
  • Understand how the national resource RSHP supports learning in these and other topic areas
  • Have increased confidence in engaging positively with parents and carers around RSHPE

For more information on this topic and to access the RSHP resource, click here  

Upcoming dates:

Monday 11th March 2024, 9:30am-4pm, Eastbank Conference & Training Centre, 22 Academy Street, Shettleston, Glasgow G32 9AA. Click here  to book a place. 

RSHPE - Sexual consent and the law (Secondary)*


To consider some of the issues around sexual consent, with a view to helping young people understand this aspect of healthy relationships

Learning outcomes / objectives:

  • Understand what Scots law says about consent ​
  • Reflect on the social context for young people​
  • Build confidence in knowing where to access lessons on consent from the national resource

For more information on this topic and to access the RSHP resource, click here  

Upcoming dates:

Additional dates coming soon

RSHPE - Secondary*


To provide Secondary teachers with an overview of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood education and to introduce the national teaching resource RSHP

Learning outcomes / objectives:

  • Be aware of the policy and guidance that supports the teaching of RSHPE
  • Consider how social factors such as gender, sexualisation, social media, and the online world influence young people’s understanding of healthy relationships
  • Understand the impact of pornography on young people’s relationships
  • Understand how the national resource RSHP supports learning in these and other topic areas
  • Have increased confidence in engaging positively with parents and carers around RSHPE

For more information on this topic and to access the RSHP resource, click here  

Upcoming dates:

Additional dates coming soon

RSHPE: Young People, Sexual Health and Emerging Needs Training for Secondary School Teaching Staff*

In May 2023, a National Incident Management Team was convened in response to an 80% increase in gonorrhoea infections among young men and women aged under 20 years. Additionally, the Health and Wellbeing Census (2021/22) confirmed the following: of those senior phase pupils that reported they had experience of penetrative sex, 49.8% reported they had not used a condom the last time they had sex. Clearly, this places them at increased risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections.

A request has been made to Directors of Education through the national ADES group for all secondary schools to prioritise learning about sexually transmitted infections early in the academic year 2023/24.  Of course, the online national resource for learning in RSHP education, which contains up to date activities that can be used to support delivery for this learning and includes information on connecting with parents and carers. However, we are inviting staff to deepen their knowledge and understanding of this area in a focussed twilight session. Staff only need to attend one of two dates.

Please encourage colleagues, both those who regularly teach RSHPE and those who are new to the area, to attend. If you have any queries please don't hesitate to get in touch by emailing:

For more information on this topic and to access the RSHP resource, click here  

Upcoming dates:

Additional dates coming soon



Dealing openly with the stigma around suicide, this session focuses upon the question “should we talk
about suicide?” By looking at this question in a number of different ways, session members can discover some of the beliefs and ideas about suicide in their communities – and in themselves.

Learning outcomes/objectives:

SuicideTALK participants learn:

  • How suicide is a serious community health problem that is often misunderstood.
  • How personal and community beliefs about suicide affect suicide stigma and safety.
  • How the steps taught in the LivingWorks’ SafeTALK programme can be used to help prevent suicide.
  • How to get involved in life protection, preservation, and promotion activities in the community.

Suicide Contagion


Increased awareness of the multi-agency approach to suicide prevention across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde board area.

Learning outcomes / objectives

Increased understanding of:

  • The current data around suicide, particularly around age and gender.
  • Some of the factors that can contribute to people completing, or attempting to complete suicide.
  • The impact that different forms of media can have on rates of completed and attempted suicide.
  • The risks associated with irresponsible reporting of suicide in the media.

What's the Harm? Self Harm Awareness Taster Session


To increase participants awareness and understanding of self-harm when used as a coping strategy.

Learning outcomes / objectives

  • Introduce and develop your understanding of self harm.
  • Gain access to resources to support those using self harm as a coping strategy.
  • Training to support future face to face self harm awareness and skills development (1 day course).

What's the Harm Self Harm Awareness and Skills Training (full day)


This 1 day workshop aims to help dispel the myths about self-harm and equip participants to support people who may self-harm.

Learning Outcomes/ Objectives

  • A brief Introduction to develop your understanding of self-harm.
  • Opportunity to further develop skills and knowledge from the 1 hour awareness session.
  • Gain access to resources to support those using self-harm as a coping strategy.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/03/2023