Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Health Improvement staff have created this Health and Wellbeing App for all Education staff in Glasgow City. This provides Health Improvement an opportunity to streamline communication, share quality assured resources and create a consistent health and wellbeing offer across the City. It also provides Education staff with an enhanced experience when delivering various aspects of the Curriculum.

The App is a ‘one stop shop’ to access a range of Health Improvement resources including:

  • Health & Wellbeing Information for early years, primary and secondary establishments
  • Resources – curricular & non-curricular, quality assured
  • Health Improvement Training in Glasgow (no cost attached)
  • Useful contacts and service information for signposting and support
  • Recent and local data (e.g. Scotland's School Health & Wellbeing Census)
  • Health Improvement Contact Information


Download and print our poster and QR code to share with your teams. Click here to view.


The App is laid out in six sections. A brief description of each section is below:

About HWB provides an overview of the App including aims and content. This section summarises Health Improvement and Health Inequalities, has age and stage information and links to useful websites.

Health Priorities and Resources provides information on key health priorities as well as quality assured curricular resources and other useful resources. Curricular resources are clearly marked to highlight those suitable for Early Years, Primary and/ or Secondary stages. 

CPD enables access to health and wellbeing CPD opportunities for Education staff.

Glasgow City Schools Health & Wellbeing Survey provides information about this Secondary School survey and links to read the reports.

Useful Contacts provides information and links for useful directories and relevant health services.

Accessibility and Feedback provides important information such as the privacy statement and the feedback form.

This video provides a walk-through of the app highlighting each section and how to navigate the app. 

External Websites

Throughout the App there are links to external websites where resources or further information can be found. Please note that NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are not responsible for the content provided on these external websites. You will see this icon  where there are links to external content. 

Search Function

At the top right hand corner of the screen there is a search function where you can search the App/website for content.

Health Improvement describes our work to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities. We do this by encouraging healthy choices as well as addressing underlying causes of health such as poverty. We work with a wide range of partners to influence policy, service provision and wider environmental factors to help enhance health outcomes for the people of Glasgow, especially those in greatest need.

In Glasgow City there are three locality Health Improvement Teams: North East, North West and South. Within each locality team are staff who are involved in early years, children and young people work.

The Glasgow City Health Improvement Strategic Direction- 2023 - 2028 has identified seven priority areas:  

Prior to COVID-19, Glasgow had long standing health issues and significant health inequalities. Health inequalities are unfair differences in the health of the population that occur across social classes or between population groups. They are largely determined by social and economic factors and the way that resources of income, power and wealth are distributed. Recent reviews have shown that the distribution of these resources has a significant impact on both physical and mental health.

New National Records of Scotland statistics show the 'healthy life expectancy at birth' of Glasgow men to be 54.6 years, compared to a national average of 60.9 years. For women that figure is 57.6 years, with the national average of 61.8 years. Healthy life expectancy (HLE) is a measure of how long a person can expect to live in full health, without disabling illnesses or injuries. Healthy life expectancy, and life expectancy in general, are both closely related to people’s socio-economic circumstances. Levels of poverty in Glasgow are among the highest in the UK and in recent years, rates have increased.

Health Improvement Teams in Glasgow work with a wide range of partners and communities across the city to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for people living in Glasgow. Visit our website by clicking here Shape

Description automatically generated with low confidence to: 

  • Find out more about our work by reading the most recent Glasgow City Health Improvement Annual Report (2022/23)
  • Read more about our priorities and outcomes in the Glasgow City Health Improvement Strategic Direction Report (2023-2028)

To read more about health and health inequalities research in Glasgow, click here Shape

Description automatically generated with low confidence visit the Glasgow Centre for Population Health website.

Data specific to Children and Young people can be found here:

To read more about Scotland's public health priorities, click here Shape

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The Scottish Health Survey provides reliable information on the health, and factors related to health, of people living in Scotland. You can read the latest report (2022) by clicking here  

Improving health outcomes and fostering a healthy start for children and families is a priority both at a national level and for Glasgow City HSCP.

Many childhood experiences can impact on health and wellbeing, educational attainment, and future life chances. Examples include:

• Access to greenspace.

• The extent of parental support.

• Play and physical activity opportunities.

• Exposure to parental stress, neglect and abuse.

• The level of parental interaction during the early years.

View the Early Years health priorities and resources on the HWB Website by clicking here Website

Further information regarding early years is available on the Public Health Scotland website. Click here Websiteto access it.

Improving health outcomes and fostering a healthy start for children and families is a priority both at a national level and for Glasgow City HSCP.

Children’s early life experiences and the social circumstances in which they live strongly influence their outcomes in later life.

Development can be shaped by various environmental, psychosocial and behavioural risk and protective factors.

Environmental factors can include access to and quality of goods and services. Psychosocial factors can include levels of play and family connectedness. Behavioural factors could include diet and physical activity.

These risk and protective factors are not evenly distributed in society. The lower a family’s socioeconomic status, the more likely it is for children to experience risk factors and the less likely it is they experience protective factors.

View the health priorities and resources for children and young people on the HWB Website by clicking here Website

Further information regarding children and health is available on the Public Health Scotland website. Click here   to access it. 

Improving health outcomes and fostering a healthy start for young people and families is a priority both at a national level and for Glasgow City HSCP.

Young people can experience a wide range of changes throughout adolescence including cognitive, biological and emotional changes. Adolescence is an important life stage for forming health related attitudes and behaviours, which can be shaped by peers, family, school and social networks.

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is different for all young people and the extent of the impact on health and wellbeing is still unknown. Consideration should be given to the short and long term support required for young people including – Mental Health, Addictions, Gambling, Sexual Health. Those working with young people should take every opportunity to promote training and employability opportunities for young people and ensure planning responses take into account the range of issues exacerbated for young people as a result of the pandemic and ensure the rights of young people are at the core of recovery plans. 

View the health priorities and resources for children and young people on the HWB Website by clicking here Website

Further information regarding young people and health is available on the Public Health Scotland website. Click here  to access it.

Here are some useful websites for additional information relating to children, young people and families. These might be beneficial to share with parents/carers. Please also see the Useful Contacts section of the app. Click here to view.

Adolescent and Young Adult Health 

The Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy produced an interesting report that details interventions that address multiple risk behaviours or take a generic approach to risk in young people. Click here   to read the report.

All schools in Scotland now undertake a health and wellbeing census. View the report and previous school health and wellbeing surveys here .

BBC Tiny Happy People Website

This website aims to help parents/carers develop their child’s language and communication skills, so they get the best start in life.  Shows why and how you can bond with your child, before they are born and throughout their early lives.  You can access the website here

Breastfeeding Support

Online support in a variety of formats is available for all mums who are breastfeeding or thinking about breastfeeding. Everyone is welcome to access this information; from new mums/mums to be, partners, other family members and friends too. Please see contact details and links below:

National Breastfeeding Helpline:Phone Call  0300 100 0212

Website: click here    to access the website.

The Breastfeeding Network, Greater Glasgow and Clyde: click here  to access their web page. 

NCT Glasgow Breastfeeding Buddies: click here  to access their web page.

Change 4 Life

Change 4 Life aims to ensure parents have the essential support and tools they need to make healthier choices for their families. This website includes fun ideas to help kids stay healthy. Click here  to visit the website.

Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland

The Children's Commissioner promotes and protects children's rights if they are under 18, or up to 21 if they are in care or care experienced. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is now incorporated into Scottish Law. For further information, click here   to visit the website.

Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative

The Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative (CYPIC) aims to support children and young people's services to accelerate better outcomes for children and young people in Scotland. They do this by working in collaboration and using a systematic, integrated and sustained improvement approach. The CYPIC support local authorities, health boards and the third sector to use Quality Improvement in their services for children, young people and their families. Click here   to access their website. 

Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014

To read about the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, click here    to access the legislation.

Getting it Right for Every Child

For information about getting it right for every child, click here

Kids Independently Developing Skills (KIDS) 

This website contains information from NHS staff for young people, families and professionals. KIDS aims to help children to live meaningful, healthy, independent lives by providing a single point of immediate access to information, advice, strategies and self-help support from NHS staff. Click here  to access their website.

Parent Club Scotland

This website contains lots of useful advice on many aspects of parenting including family friendly meals, money and your rights, behaviour, and play. Click here   to access their website.

Public Health Scotland 

Further information regarding early years is available on the Public Health Scotland website. Click here to access it.  

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/03/2023

Reviewer name(s): Michelle Kirkwood.