Here are some useful websites for additional information relating to children, young people and families. These might be beneficial to share with parents/carers. Please also see the Useful Contacts section of the app. Click here
to view.
Adolescent and Young Adult Health
The Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy produced an interesting report that details interventions that address multiple risk behaviours or take a generic approach to risk in young people. Click here
to read the report.
All schools in Scotland now undertake a health and wellbeing census. View the report and previous school health and wellbeing surveys here
BBC Tiny Happy People Website
This website aims to help parents/carers develop their child’s language and communication skills, so they get the best start in life. Shows why and how you can bond with your child, before they are born and throughout their early lives. You can access the website here 
Breastfeeding Support
Online support in a variety of formats is available for all mums who are breastfeeding or thinking about breastfeeding. Everyone is welcome to access this information; from new mums/mums to be, partners, other family members and friends too. Please see contact details and links below:
National Breastfeeding Helpline:
0300 100 0212
Website: click here
to access the website.
The Breastfeeding Network, Greater Glasgow and Clyde: click here
to access their web page.
NCT Glasgow Breastfeeding Buddies: click here
to access their web page.
Change 4 Life
Change 4 Life aims to ensure parents have the essential support and tools they need to make healthier choices for their families. This website includes fun ideas to help kids stay healthy. Click here
to visit the website.
Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland
The Children's Commissioner promotes and protects children's rights if they are under 18, or up to 21 if they are in care or care experienced. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is now incorporated into Scottish Law. For further information, click here
to visit the website.
Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative
The Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative (CYPIC) aims to support children and young people's services to accelerate better outcomes for children and young people in Scotland. They do this by working in collaboration and using a systematic, integrated and sustained improvement approach. The CYPIC support local authorities, health boards and the third sector to use Quality Improvement in their services for children, young people and their families. Click here
to access their website.
Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
To read about the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, click here
to access the legislation.
Getting it Right for Every Child
For information about getting it right for every child, click here 
Kids Independently Developing Skills (KIDS)
This website contains information from NHS staff for young people, families and professionals. KIDS aims to help children to live meaningful, healthy, independent lives by providing a single point of immediate access to information, advice, strategies and self-help support from NHS staff. Click here
to access their website.
Parent Club Scotland
This website contains lots of useful advice on many aspects of parenting including family friendly meals, money and your rights, behaviour, and play. Click here
to access their website.
Public Health Scotland
Further information regarding early years is available on the Public Health Scotland website. Click here
to access it.