The following recommendations are based on the Health Protection Scotland Guidance for the Control of Measles Incidents and Outbreaks in Scotland, revised May 2019.
Young infants, pregnant young people, and immunosuppressed children and young people may benefit from post-exposure prophylaxis. This is with immunoglobulin or the MMR vaccine.
The recommendation to give post-exposure prophylaxis should be made by the Public Health Protection Team, following a risk assessment.
MMR vaccine will be administered in the community.
Immunoglobulin will be administered at the RHC. The preparation and dose of immunoglobulin varies according to the indication. If there are queries about the administration of immunoglobulin, discuss with the on-call pharmacist and the Paediatric Infectious Diseases Team.
Infants under 12 months of age
Infants under 12 months of age are unvaccinated and at high risk of developing measles if exposed. Recommended post-exposure prophylaxis depends on their age and whether they are a household contact and includes both Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin (SCIG), referred to as Human Normal Immunoglobulin (HNIG), and MMR vaccination. See the table below for guidance.
Post-exposure prophylaxis in infants of UK born mothers*

*As the pattern of maternal antibody waning in infants shows significant geographical variation and as vaccination programmes were introduced at different times, this advice may not be applicable to infants of mothers born outside the UK. In such cases an individual risk assessment is required by the Public Health Team.
Guidance for the Control of Measles Incidents and Outbreaks in Scotland, Scottish Health Protection Network, Health Protection Scotland, May 2019
It is the responsibility of the Public Health Protection Team to contact the parent/carer and discuss the recommendations. The discussion will be documented on the patient’s Clinical Portal record.
If the recommendation is for MMR, this will be arranged in the community.
If the recommendation is for immunoglobulin, the Public Health Protection Team will discuss the case with the on call Paediatric Infectious Diseases Team (Consultant via the RHC switchboard 0141 2010000). The Paediatric Infectious Diseases Team will then contact the RHC Clinical co-ordinator (85770) to determine when and where the patient can attend. The location may need to be determined on a case-by-case basis, will depend on capacity and nursing resource. The Paediatric Infectious Diseases Team will then contact the patient with details of when and where to attend.
Patients should be booked in on arrival to the RHC ED, admitted under the care of the Paediatric Infectious Diseases Team.
Please note that contacts are not considered infectious until 5 days after exposure, so standard infection prevention and control measures are sufficient until this time.
All patients should have a set of observations and weight on arrival. The Paediatric Infectious Diseases Team should be contacted to discuss consent for and prescribe the immunoglobulin.
Patients should be observed with a set of observations 30 minutes after administration of immunoglobulin, prior to discharge home.
Treatment with Subcutaneous Human normal immunoglobulin (HNIG) for infants under 6 month of age, or household contacts under 9 months of age
Please complete the immunoglobulin request form [Sharepoint link], using the red indication ‘specific antibody deficiency’ and give to the 2C pharmacy team (office on ward 2C). Approval can be granted retrospectively if out of hours.
The product supplied will depend on availability, in March 2024 the preferred local products are Hizentra, followed by Cutaquig. Other products may also be used if the preferred products are not available, as discussed with the pharmacy team.
Dose: 0.6ml/kg to a maximum of 1g
Administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Please note the intramuscular route is off label, but is suggested as an alternative practical route of administration in this situation by the UKHSA, given the clinical imperative to treat these contacts urgently. The intramuscular route of administration has been agreed as the preferred route at the RHC.
For intramuscular administration The Green Book recommends that if volumes of more than 3ml are needed, immunoglobulin should be given in divided amounts and given into different sites.
Subcutaneous administration should only be done by nursing staff with competence, with the appropriate infusion device/pump. See product Summary of Product characteristics (SPC) for subcutaneous administration instructions.
Please discuss with the ward/on-call pharmacist if needing further advice.
Immunosuppressed patients
Immunosuppressed patients also require a risk assessment and may require measles post-exposure prophylaxis, as intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).
The recommendation to give post-exposure prophylaxis should be made by the Public Health Protection Team, following a risk assessment.
If any immunosuppressed person (e.g. patients with leukaemia or on high dose immunosuppressant) is exposed there is a very low threshold for follow-up: even a very short exposure (minutes) should trigger investigation. In a highly immunosuppressed child or young person who is unlikely to be immune, it may be worth considering prophylaxis where the possibility of exposure has occurred e.g. by entering a room within a short period after a case has been present.
All immunosuppressed individuals should be considered for treatment with IVIG as soon as possible after the exposure occurred (preferably within 3 days, but treatment may be effective within 6 days).
People with severe defects of cell mediated immunity who are on regular IVIG replacement therapy do not require additional IVIG if the most recent dose was administered ≤3 weeks before exposure.
See for definitions of immunosuppressed individuals, and further details on risk assessment.
If a specialty team is contacted by a parent/carer with concerns about possible exposure, this can be discussed with the Public Health Protection Team (0141 201 4917 Mon-Fri 9-5pm).
Following exposure to a confirmed case of measles, it is the responsibility of the Public Health Protection Team to contact the parent/carer and discuss the recommendations. The discussion will be documented on the patient’s Clinical Portal record.
Following risk assessment, the Public Health Protection Team should contact the on call responsible clinical team for the individual, to discuss the recommendations (Consultant via the RHC switchboard 0141 2010000).
If measles IgG testing or IVIG is indicated, the responsible clinical team should liaise with the Clinical co-ordinator (85770) to determine when and where the patient can attend. The location may need to be determined on a case-by-case basis, will depend on capacity and nursing resource. The responsible clinical team should then liaise with the patient to arrange admission.
Please note that contacts are not considered infectious until 5 days after exposure, so standard infection prevention and control measures are sufficient until this time
Patients should be booked in on arrival to the RHC ED before being transferred to the allocated clinical area, admitted under the care of the responsible clinical team.
If attending for IVIG, patients should have a set of observations and weight on arrival. The responsible clinical team should be contacted to review, should ensure IV access, discuss consent and prescribe the immunoglobulin.
Patients should be observed, with a set of observations 30 minutes after administration, prior to discharge home.
Treatment with Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) for immunosuppressed children
Please complete the immunoglobulin request form [Sharepoint link], using the red indication ‘specific antibody deficiency’ and give to the 2C pharmacy team (office on ward 2C). Approval can be granted retrospectively if out of hours.
The preparation used will depend on available stock. There is a likelihood that immunosuppressed patients will have been treated with IVIG in the past. If the preparation is known, use the same brand if available.
Dose - 0.15 g/kg.
For administration guidance refer to the product Summary of Product characteristics (SPC) or ‘Normal Immunoglobulin IV schedules – other brands’ [Sharepoint link], available on the Staffnet hub.
Please prescribe IVIG on both the ‘Normal Immunoglobulin IV schedules – other brands’ form and also on HEPMA.
Please note that patients with known severe defects of cell-mediated immunity, who are on regular IVIG replacement therapy, do not require additional IVIG if the most recent dose was administered 3 weeks or less before exposure.
Please discuss with the ward/on-call pharmacist if needing further advice.
If unsure about recommendations for testing or prophylaxis, please discuss with the Paediatric Infectious Diseases Team.