All patients with burns should be reviewed within 48hrs of presentation or as near to 48hrs as practically possible. There are 2 options for follow up:
The nurse led burns clinic runs on a Monday afternoon, Tuesday morning and Friday all day.
Patients can be referred to their local CCNT
See below sections to ensure most appropriate service utilised for follow up
a) Nurse-led Burns Clinic
Referral to the burns clinic can be made for any patient that does not require admission to ward 2C
To arrange an appointment at clinic:
- Check with ED reception staff the burns clinic is on for that date.
- Complete pink form circle ‘Burns clinic’ with date attendance required.
- Document clearly on the ED card the date they are being followed up.
- Ensure the parent’s telephone contact number is correct.
- Give parents the appointments office number (0141 211 4633) and ask them to call the day before their appointment is due to get the time of their appointment .
- If their appointment is for the following day tell them to come for 2pm for the Monday clinic and 10.30am for the Tuesday and Friday clinic.
- Ensure the completed ED card goes to ED reception.
If a burns clinic appointment is not available within the appropriate time frame (within 48 hours), children can be referred to the Community Children’s Nursing Team for a dressing change prior to being reviewed in the burns clinic.
b) Community Children’s Nursing Team (CCNT)
- Patients discharged from the ED with burns that require ongoing management beyond 24 hours post injury i.e. dressing changes and education regarding care of newly healed skin
- Patients requiring a interim dressing change prior to being reviewed in the burns clinic
- CCN teams are available for patients in Ayrshire, Renfrew, Inverclyde, Lanarkshire, Forth Valley and Dunbartonshire. Patients from Dumfries and Galloway can be referred to the paediatric ward in DGRI for dressing changes
The Community Children’s Nursing Team will visit children in their homes, (or an appointed alternative eg. grandparents), to manage their burns.
They provide a Monday to Friday service, excluding public holidays.
They will liase directly with the Burns Nurse Specialist if there is any concern about the patient.
If they receive a referral within working hours it is possible for them to visit the next working day and they will try to do so if there is a particular concern about the burn or the family’s ability to manage the dressing. However, most visits should be requested for the second working day after their ED attendance eg. patient attending Saturday am – request a visit for Tuesday.
The CCN team in Glasgow will visit the patients between 9am-1pm but will usually call the family prior to the appointment. The other CCN teams will call the family prior to visiting
All patients being referred to the CCNT should be discharged from ED with supplies away with them for 2 dressing changes ie:
- Dressing pack x 2
- Saline sachets x 2
- Urgotul SSD or Urgo silver x 2
- Any bandages required x 2
Referrals to the Glasgow CCN team are made via TrakCare:
Select "New Request" in top tabs, then , "other" in next set of tabs. Then in "item" (bottom box on right hand side) type "child" and select magnifying glass. Select the CCNT option to complete the form and then call to leave a message on their answer machine.
Referrals to the Paisley and Ayrshire teams can be made via a telephone call. Referrals to Lanarkshire, Vale of Leven, Inverclyde and Forth Valley are made via email.
IMPORTANT: Please create a new clinical note on PORTAL for all patients being referred to community children nurse teams for follow up. This note should include what follow up arrangements have been made and for when.