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  6. Infant spinal anaesthesia, a guide (1098)
Important: please update your RDS app to version 4.7.3 Details with newsletter below.

Please update your RDS app to v4.7.3

We asked you in January to update to v4.7.2.  After the deployment planned for 27th February, this new update will be needed to ensure that you are able to download RDS toolkits even when the RDS website is not available. We will wait until as many users as possible have downloaded the new version before switching off the old system for app downloads and moving entirely to the new approach.

To check your current RDS version, click on the three dots bottom right of the RDS app screen. This takes you to a “More” page where you will see the version number. 

To update to the latest release:

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Right Decision Service newsletter: February 2025

Welcome to the February 2025 update from the RDS team

1.     Next release of RDS


A new release of RDS is planned (subject to outcomes of current testing) for week beginning 24th February. This will deliver:


  • Fixes to mitigate the recurring glitches with the RDS admin area and the occasional brief user interface outages which have arisen following implementation of the new distributed technology infrastructure in December 2024.


  • Capability to embed content from Google calendar, Google Maps, Daily Motion, Twitter feeds, Microsoft Stream into RDS pages.


  • Capability to include simple multiplication in RDS calculators.


The release will also incorporate a number of small fixes, including:

  • Exporting of form within Medicines Sick Day Guidance in polypharmacy toolkit
  • Links to redundant content appearing in search in some RDS toolkits
  • Inclusion of accordion headers alongside accordion text in search result snippets.
  • Feedback form on mobile app.
  • Internal links on mobile app version of benzo tapering tool


We will let you know when the date and time for the new release are confirmed.


2.     New RDS developments

There is now the capability to publish toolkits on the web with left hand side navigation rather than tiles on the homepage. To use this feature, turn on the “Toggle navigation panel” option at the top of the Page settings menu at toolkit homepage level – see below. Please note that publication to downloadable mobile app for this type of navigation is still under development.

The Benzodiazepine tapering tool ( is now available as part of the RDS toolkit for the national benzodiazepine prescribing guidance developed by the Scottish Government Effective Prescribing team. The tool uses this national guidance developed with a wide-ranging multidisciplinary group. This should be used in combination with professional judgement and an understanding of the needs of the individual patient.

3.     Archiving and version control and new RDS Search and Browse interface

Due to the intensive work Tactuum has had to undertake on the new technology infrastructure has pushed back the delivery dates again and some new requirements have come out of the recent user acceptance testing. It now looks likely to be an April release for the search and browse interface. The archiving and version control functionality may be released earlier. We’ll keep you posted.

4.     Statistics

At the end of January, Olivia completed the generation of the latest set of usage statistics for all RDS toolkits. If you would like a copy of the stats for your toolkit, please contact .


5.     Review of content past its review date

We have now generated reports of all RDS toolkit content that has exceeded its review date by 6 months or more. We will be in touch later this month with toolkit owners and editors to agree the plan for updating or withdrawing out of date content.


6.     Toolkits in development

Some important toolkits in development by the RDS team include:

  • National CVD prevention pathways – due for release end of March 2025.
  • National respiratory pathways, optimal cancer diagnostic pathways and cancer prehabilitation pathways from the Centre for Sustainable Delivery. We will shortly start work on the national cancer referral pathways, first version due for release via RDS around end of June 2025.
  • HIS Quality of Care Review toolkit – currently in final stages of quality assurance.


The RDS team and other information scientists in HIS have also been producing evidence summaries for the Scottish Government Realistic Medicine team, to inform development of national guidance around Procedures of Limited Clinical Value. This guidance will in due course be translated into an RDS toolkit.


7. Training sessions for new editors (also serve as refresher sessions for existing editors) will take place on the following dates:

  • Friday 28th February 12-1 pm
  • Tuesday 11th March 4-5 pm


To book a place, please contact, providing your name, organisation, job role, and level of experience with RDS editing (none, a little, moderate, extensive.)


To invite colleagues to sign up to receive this newsletter, please signpost them to the registration form  - also available in End-user and Provider sections of the RDS Learning and Support area.   If you have any questions about the content of this newsletter, please contact  If you would prefer not to receive future newsletters, please email and ask to be removed from the circulation list.

With kind regards


Right Decision Service team

Healthcare Improvement Scotland



Infant spinal anaesthesia, a guide (1098)



This is a guide / aide memoire for staff preparing for spinal anaesthesia in neonates & infants in theatre at RHC Glasgow.


Please note other departments use different equipment & set-up for lumbar puncture in a similar patient group.


Anaesthetists / Anaesthetic assistants at RHC Glasgow.

Further information please contact: or or the Duty anaesthetist 84842

Patient selection

Preterm, chronic lung disease, congenital heart disease and airway anomalies.

 <5kg ideal, 5-8kg challenging but achievable. No specific upper age limit.


(after discussing the appropriateness of the technique with the surgeon)

Failure rate when you’re starting is about 1-in-10 to 1-in-30 when you’re good!

All the usual complications. Aseptic meningitis has been reported. Most major complications remain unreported (but possible).

Early apnoea rate greatly reduced compared to GA, late apnoeas are less common and seem to be due to patient (not anaesthetic) factors & there is no difference in incidence compared with  GA.

Early evidence of limited developmental consequences related to total anaesthesia exposure in early life, these concerns persist on a google search but we should not use them to promote spinal anaesthesia use in patients.

Spinal anaesthesia does, however, result in favourable haemodynamics compared to GA.

What to tell the surgeon

  • They need to be ready to start immediately (ie. Scrubbed in theatre whilst you are doing the spinal)
  • The spinal will reliably last 45 mins but this can be extended to over an hour (and occasionally longer) with a caudal +/- clonidine additive
  • The operating conditions are slightly different but this is ok!
  • Choose a fast one to start with…

1. Preparation: Patient

  • Standard fasting advice
  • EMLA covering both spinal and caudal injection sites

    photo of neonate with EMLA cream on base of spine


2. Preparation: Anaesthetic equipment

2. Anaesthetic equipment

  • Ensure all equipment and machines checked
  • Standard monitoring equipment inc rectal temp probe
  • Set up for conversion to GA if required (face mask, circuit, laryngoscope, ETT ready)
  • Emergency and GA induction drugs prepared
  • Underbody FAWD
  • 24% Sucrose ampules ready (can also use expressed breast milk)
  • Identify the ‘baby holder’ (not another anaesthetist!)
  • Diathermy pad ready to apply once regional block completed (can avoid inadvertent high block on raising the legs)

3. Preparation: Specific spinal equipment

Equipment tray layout

  • Dummy (use patients’ own if possible, may need a premature one if <2.5kg)
  • Sucrose/EBM
  • Spinal needles (we use 25G Neonatal Whitacre needles, Sprottes = 40mm are available)
  • 5% chlorhexidine spray
  • 5% Levobupivocaine (heavy can be used but difference in duration of block/spread is minimal, plain is our standard)
  • Standard 22G caudal needle (Abbocath)
  • Sterile saline
  • Full sterile pack and trolley
  • 2 sterile plasters or Dermabond®
  • Consider other equipment to aid positioning e.g. warm towels to wrap baby (place in warming cabinet), right-angled anaesthetic bar.

4. Conduct of case

  • Patient directly into theatre
  • Establish IV access if not already cannulated. Consider need for IV maintenance fluids as reducing lines attached can be advantageous.
  • Consider nasal cannula for O2 or Air, especially in apnoea prone neonates
  • Give atropine 5-10mcg/kg in preterms and all patients under 2.5kg. Can be given orally on ward preoperatively. Offsets bradycardia which can occur on onset of the sympathetic blockade.
  • Calculate the spinal and caudal doses and ensure these are visible once scrubbed
  • SURGEONS aware and scrubbing immediately after you so… ready
  • POSITION POSITION POSITION. This is the most important factor in determining success! Lateral or supine is personal preference, both work.

positioning infant

SUPINE: Assistant stabilises baby from axilla to pelvic brim.

positioning image

positioning image

LATERAL: Assistant stabilises the head, other hand under the flexed knees and ‘curls’ the baby. Beware the risk of airway obstruction.

  • Ensure the position is optimal BEFORE you scrub.
  • If lateral position: put a little head up tilt on the bed
  • EMLA removed and 2 sprays of 0.5% chlorhexidine (allowed to air dry)
  • Have sucrose to administer just prior to needle insertion (by another individual, not the baby holder)
  • Clear drapes allow everyone to see what they need to

Baby in clear drapes

Ensure the drape extends to include the sacral hiatus but no further- aim to keep any unexpected fluids on the ‘dirty’ side.

Baby in drapes


  • Dose: 1mg/kg levobupivocaine = 0.2mls/kg 0.5% levobupivocaine. Never less than 0.5mls.
  • Add clonidine? Advice is on the departmental shared drive.
  • Level: L3/4 to L5/S1 feel for the best space

Image showing procedure

Image showing procedure

  • It is a ‘feel’ so difficult to describe.

Top tips:

2 clicks & you’re in.
It’s deeper than you expect & almost never <10mm
Staying in the midline is everything
If you don’t get CSF back when you expect it then withdraw, don’t advance, & withdraw 1mm at a time
Bloody taps often clear to bloodstained CSF
Onset of the block in premmies is near instant but can take up to 10 minutes in a 3 month old

  • When you’re in give half your dose immediately, then check aspirate (or disconnect) before second dose to allow repositioning of the needle if negative.
  • If you’re not convinced about the spinal – pause for 5 minutes (a full5 minutes) before doing the caudal so you can re-assess the spinal & you have the dose allowance to repeat if necessary
  • Do not persist indefinitely, set yourself a reasonable number of attempts/time limit before cutting losses and proceeding with GA.

Once spinal sited proceed with caudal. This is optional but does appear to increase the density and duration of the block.


  • Dose: 1.5mg/kg levobupivacaine = 0.3mls/kg 0.5% levobupivocaine diluted up to a sensible volume for the patient i.e. 0.75 – 1ml/kg total volume.
  • Dilute with sterile saline
  • Response to caudal needle often a good indicator of spinal efficacy
  • SLOWER injection than normal… risk of a higher spinal block
  • Simple dressings OK but some smaller babies leak CSF from the lumbar puncture site & these should be sealed with Dermabond or a similar glue, this makes a mess but it’s microbiologically sound.


  • SHOUT to surgeons if not immediately behind you to get ready to start
  • Remove drapes
  • Apply diathermy pad to back
  • Turn patient supine
  • Move monitoring to lower limbs
  • Roll under hips if required (lift entire patient up in air to avoid block ascent)
  • Shield patient from operative lights
  • Position patient: aim to secure arms to reduce surgical interference, either arms wrapped in a towel or suspended loosely from right-angled bar.

Image showing procedure

Image showing procedure

Non-restrictive arm suspension


  • You should have a good idea of whether the block is working already by the tone of the lower limbs
  • Surgeons routinely do a ‘pinch test’ with toothed forceps. There should be no response (keeping in mind the baby may still be a little unsettled at this point due to new position etc). Make sure you are convinced before they start.


  • Warm
  • Dark
  • Human contact can help
  • Sucrose (usually just for initial period)
  • May require additional O2 but this is not routine
  • Sedation does occur with the spinal alone. Presumed mechanism is diminished afferent conduction to RAS. The patient will often sleep.

Image showing procedure

  • Beware of vagal stimuli e.g. visceral traction leading to bradycardia, wriggling/discomfort

5. Troubleshooting

Being prepared is everything

Issues that occur:

  • Inadequate block: as mentioned, spinal can be repeated if concerned at insertion time (provided caudal not already given)
  • If persistent concerns convert to GA early. Not worth the stress on the patient or anyone else especially when establishing practice
  • High block: head up tilt, sit baby up if appropriate. It may fall quickly if just inserted and institute these measures. If not, proceed with emergency management.
  • Bloody tap. Common. Can clear to CSF so be patient. As mentioned above, withdraw 1mm at a time if not clearing and continually assess for appearance of CSF.
  • Post op CSF leak. Minimise this with dressings/Dermabond®. Can still occur. Monitor and seek microbiology/neurosurgical advice.
  • LA toxicity manage as per AAGBI guidelines. Management of severe local anaesthetic toxicity | Association of Anaesthetists

6. Post-op care

  • Transfer to recovery (risk of early apnoeas is significantly reduced but not absent)
  • Standard is to maintain 24hrs of SpO2 monitoring if <60wks post conceptual age.
  • Can feed immediately

7. Discharge criteria

Many of these patients may be returning to NICU for ongoing care/transfer back to base hospital.

However, there may be patients outwith the NICU setting who are eligible for same day discharge. The decision to discharge should be at the discretion of the anaesthetist but factors to consider are:

  • >60 weeks PCA (post conceptual age) for ex-preterm
  • Weight >5kg
  • No recent anaemia
  • Adequate feeding re-established
  • Comfortable

8. NR Fit equipment

We are aware of the impending implementation of NR Fit equipment. We do not yet have the equipment available in RHC but updated photos will be obtained and uploaded as soon as we do.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 12/07/2023

Next review date: 31/07/2026

Author(s): Jocelyn Erskine, Graham Bell.

Version: 1

Author email(s):

Approved By: Paediatric Anaesthetic Department Consultants