Induction of Labour using a double balloon catheter (859)
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24/06/2021 Amendment to Indications for inpatient or outpatient IOL using double balloon catheter
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The aim of this technique is to facilitate induction of labour in women with an unfavourable cervix. The double cervical ripening balloon mechanically dilates the cervix whilst also stimulating local prostaglandin release. As described in the NICE interventional procedures guidance IPG528 in 2015; the procedure has been shown to be safe, effective and well tolerated.
Compared to cervical ripening with vaginal prostaglandins, use of the double balloon catheter has been found to have:
- Lower pain scores reported by women.
- No increased risk of maternal or neonatal infection.
- Reduced risk of uterine hyperstimulation and fetal distress.
- No increased risk of caesarean section.
- No increased risk of neonatal adverse events.
The procedure is suitable for both inpatient and outpatient induction of labour at gestations ≥37+0wks. For less than 37 weeks gestation, discuss with on call senior obstetrician.