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  5. Vascular access devices (VADs), care and maintenance (592)
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Right Decision Service newsletter: June 2024

Welcome to the Right Decision Service (RDS) newsletter for June 2024.

1.     Issues with RDS

Hopefully you all received the notification on Friday 28th June about the worldwide security vulnerability relating to use of code from the code library – typically used to enable use of functionality in older browsers and operating systems. This vulnerability has now been addressed within RDS. Thanks to Tactuum for their prompt action on this.

This incident served as a useful reminder about the importance of making sure all devices and desktop/laptop computers have up to date anti-malware installed.

2.Redesign and improvements to RDS

The most recent information is that final fixes and developments will take place during July, with a view to user testing taking place in August 2024.


3.1 Usage statistics

We will be running the six-monthly usage statistics reports for all RDS toolkits during July. Please contact if you would like to receive the usage report for your toolkit(s).

3.2 Palliative care

The Scottish Palliative Care Group is carrying out a value and impact survey of the national Palliative Care Guidelines toolkit on RDS. We would appreciate your help in circulating this survey, available at /

3.3 Standard evaluation survey form

The Palliative Care Guidelines toolkit is using an adapted version of a generic impact evaluation form which the RDS team now encourages all toolkit owners to apply 6-12 months after launch of their toolkit.  Please contact if you would like to find out more.

4. Training and communications

The RDS Learning working group is in the final stages of developing and uploading new learning resources including:

  • Clinical and Care governance of RDS toolkits
  • The RDS toolkit development journey – from scoping to implementation and evaluation.
  • New 5-minute videos demonstrating key editorial functionality


We have also drafted a communication and training plan to support implementation of the redesigned RDS. The plan aims to reach both end-users and editors, who will benefit from new features such as the archiving and version control functionality.  


4.1 Training sessions for new editors (also serve as refresher sessions for existing editors) will take place on the following dates:

  • Thursday 1 August 11 am – 12 pm
  • Wednesday 7 August 4-5 pm


To book a place, please contact, providing your name, organisation, job role, and level of experience with RDS editing (none, a little, moderate, extensive.)


4.2 Google analytics training

Remember that you can also organise 1-1 training sessions with Olivia on running Google Analytics reports if you want to look at data more frequently than the six-monthly reports.

5. New toolkits

The following RDS toolkits are now live:

  • SARCS (Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service)
  • Child protection procedures (North Lanarkshire)
  • NHS Lothian neonatal guidelines


The following toolkits are due to go live imminently:

  • NHS Grampian critical care
  • Care Inspectorate Safe Staffing guidance.

6. Toolkits in development

Some of the toolkits the RDS team is currently working on:

  • SIGN/NICE/BTS Asthma guideline – combination of old and new guidance.
  • New SIGN guideline around prevention and remission of type 2 diabetes
  • Updating of HIS national tissue viability guidance in collaboration with the and transfer to RDS as an extension to the Skin and wound care toolkit


Please contact if you would like to learn more about a toolkit. The RDS team will put you in touch with the relevant toolkit lead.

7. Implementation projects

HIS is working with the Scottish Library and Information Council and the ALLIANCE to implement the second phase of the Collective Force for Health and Wellbeing Action Plan. This plan aims to strengthen the role of public, health and school libraries in empowering people to use digital tools and health information for self-management and choices about health and wellbeing. A key element of this new phase is supporting public libraries to promote the RDS citizen-facing apps for health and wellbeing.

We held a webinar on 28th June about the implementation challenge for health and wellbeing apps for citizens. This included an overview of the evidence base around implementation, the critical importance of health literacy skills, and the early findings from tests of change of implementing the Being a partner in my care app. Please contact if you would like a copy of the slides or access to the recording of this webinar (NHS staff only.)

If you have any questions about the content of this newsletter, please contact  If you would prefer not to receive future newsletters, please email and ask to be removed from the circulation list.

With kind regards


Right Decision Service team

Healthcare Improvement Scotland





Vascular access devices (VADs), care and maintenance (592)


This is the Vascular Access Procedure and Practice Guidelines for vascular access devices (VAD) incorporating NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) adult (acute, mental health and community), paediatric and neonatal services. VADs are inserted for therapeutic purposes such as administration of intravenous (IV) fluids, medicines, blood transfusions and parenteral nutrition (PN). Other purposes for specific vascular access devices are renal dialysis, blood sampling and central venous pressure monitoring.

This document is organised with core introduction followed by care and maintenance templates. The information contained is based on current information available. Quality improvement, audit and research within clinical areas mean that this evidence base is constantly evolving. Practitioners should endeavour to use the most up-to-date evidence on which to base their practice.

The purpose of this guideline is to state the care and maintenance of the following VADs:

  • Peripheral Venous Catheter (PVC)
  • Midline catheter
  • Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC)
  • Non-Tunnelled Central Venous Catheter (CVC)
  • Tunnelled Central Venous Catheter (tCVC)
    • Uncuffed tCVC
    • Cuffed tCVC
  • Dialysis Central Venous Catheter
  • Implantable Ports

The detailed procedures for insertion of VADs are outside the scope of this guideline. Practitioners involved with insertion of VADs will be informed of where specific insertion procedure guidance can be found.

Patients with VADS are placed at increased risk of harm if not appropriately managed, for example healthcare associated infections and bloodstream infections are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality (NICE, 2014). Reports of mortality attributed to device related blood stream infections vary between 12.2% and 34.4% (Wong et al, 2016). VAD related bloodstream infections caused by inadequate device management significantly reduces the survival of patients in our care.

Patient harm can be reduced through:

  • Trained and competent staff
  • Adherence to relevant policies and guidance
  • Underpinning knowledge of different VADs
  • Good care and maintenance of VADs
  • Appropriate use of care bundles and accurate documentation (e.g. PVC and CVC care plans and patient held records)
  • Prevention, early recognition and management of complications
  • Inserting VAD only when clinically indicated and removing at earliest opportunity


This guideline is relevant to all NHSGGC health board staff that care for patients with a VAD.

This guideline should be used in conjunction with other relevant guidelines and standards:

  • Guidance for all adults receiving Parenteral Nutrition (home and in-patient) can be found  here.
  • Infection prevention and control guidelines can be found here.
  • NHSGGC IV Medicine Administration policy can be found here.
  • NHSGGC Management of occupational and non occupational exposures to blood borne viruses including needle stick injuries and sexual exposures policy can be found here.

Paediatric guidance:

  • Haemato-oncology patient’s fluid and electrolytes management (Schiehallion) can be found here
  • Intravenous fluid guidance for previously well children aged 7 days to 16 years can be found here.
  • Intravenous fluid therapy in children and young people in hospital can be found here.
  • West of Scotland Cancer Network Extravasation in Practice Guidelines, policy and tools can be found here.

Staff in specialist clinical areas caring for particularly vulnerable patient groups may have local standard operating procedures (SOP) in use which should be referred and adhered to.

Roles and responsibilities

For the care and maintenance of any VAD, staff should be appropriately trained and supervised until considered competent. A practitioner can be described as competent if they have had the necessary training, clinical experience, skills and knowledge to undertake a task safely and without supervision. If a practitioner deems it appropriate to adapt the guidelines, a risk assessment must be undertaken and documented appropriately.


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Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 28/04/2023

Next review date: 28/02/2025

Author(s): Margaret Connolly.

Version: 3

Author email(s):

Approved By: Board Clinical Governance Forum

Reviewer name(s): Margaret Connolly.

Document Id: 592