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Key contacts

The main contact for this toolkit is

NHSGGC Library Network provides library and information services to all staff working within NHSGGC and its partner organisations.

Tactuum is a software company based in Glasgow, with an office in the US. Tactuum’s mission is to improve healthcare services through the delivery of digital services supporting healthcare providers and patients.


Content has been checked for accessibility in line with the relevant RDS standard operating procedure

The app:

  • is complaint with Android and Apple accessibility standards for native mobile apps
  • is supported by Android 4.4 or later and iOS 8.0 or later devices.

The website:

  • is compliant with WC3A 2.0 Standards
  • is optimised for use on both desktop and mobile devices in the following browsers - IE9+, Chrome, Edge and Safari

Content management and governance

The Editorial Team monitors content on an ongoing basis and reviews content upon agreed review dates.

Key content suppliers can notify the Editorial Team of required updates to to any published/linked resources as and when needed. The Editorial Team will approve non guideline content and can do this outwith scheduled group meetings.

RDS automated alerts when review is due will be sent to the Editorial Team.

NHSGGC Clinical guidelines are developed by NHSGGC clinicians with the support of clinical governance.  The clinical guideline framework sets out how NHSGGC develops, reviews, approves and monitors clinical guidelines.  If a guideline on the clinical guideline platform is past its review date, it is currently undergoing the review process as per the clinical guideline framework



Unless otherwise indicated, copyright in this toolkit is retained by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.  Users may download or print copies for their own use.

All icons are from, accessed through the licence held Tactuum Ltd for the resources supported by the software platform it provides.

Evidence base

The content within this toolkit is based on current evidence and best practice, however it is intended to be applied alongside sound practitioner judgement. As such, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is not responsible or liable for management decision made on the basis of the information provided via this toolkit.

Use of this toolkit within education settings should always be in accordance with local policies and guidance with regard to practice and mobile device usage.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is not responsible for the content of any external websites listed, nor do they endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on in any of these websites.  

Governance sign-off and ongoing development

This toolkit forms part of the NHSGGC Digital Strategy. We have established an Editorial Team to oversee development and maintenance of this toolkit. The content of this toolkit was reviewed by the Editorial Team and signed off by the GGC Overarching Transfusion Committee (July 2024).

The Editorial Team will continue to oversee the development and management of the toolkit and request further approval from the Overarching Transfusion Committee as required.

Monitoring and acting on feedback and complaints

The email for the Editorial Team is available in the "Key contacts" section above and can be used to highlight any feedback or complaints.

The Editorial Team will address the feedback. If it requires significant amendments to this toolkit it will be presented to the GGC Overarching Transfusion Committee for approval.

Risk assessment

All content has been approved by the Editorial Team and the Overarching Transfusion Committee to ensure its accuracy and to mitigate any risks to patient safety. A hazard log has been developed to identify any new existing and new risks which may emerge as the toolkit is further developed.

User testing

Functional testing was carried out by the Editorial Team and Knowledge Manager as content was added. The toolkit (app and web version) was subject to end user testing (a combination of goal and experience questions) for several weeks in the run up to the toolkit being published. Volunteers were multidisciplinary and included doctors, nurses, biomedical scientists, laboratory staff and students. Feedback was gathered  using Webropol and any suggested improvements were made.